Saturday, March 8, 2014

And the stupid bastards in CT (and elsewhere) are worried about the number of rounds in a standard capacity magazine.

This is, AT PRESENT, a toy: Gauss Machine Gun
See also: Watch a Fully Automatic Electromagnetic Pulse Rifle Demolish a Laptop
I was also recently briefed on an entire class of weapons that have absolutely nothing to do with smokeless powder that are so efficient at what they do, so nimble at defeating countermeasures and so permanently disabling in their effects. and so affordable, that I was horrified -- so horrified that I sat in stunned amazement repeating softly, as the briefing went on, "Jesus wept." Universal deployment of such weapons would end the ability of raid stacks of armed uniformed thugs to work their will upon people -- AND end the ability of people to exercise their First Amendment rights to oppose tyranny in traditional ways. I cannot be more specific because it represents an exponential "mutual assured destruction" escalation of the arms race between free men and tyrants. It is important to remember that this country and her people, divided as we are, have other enemies and they need no tutorial from me on future tactics and weapons. Suffice it to say that the "authorities" could magically make ALL smokeless powder weapons disappear and they would only rue in bitter anguish the day that they did. It would be, truly, a Pandora's box of human misery and destruction.
LATER: I have been asked already from numerous quarters about the details of the above. Some of these requests come from long-time Three Percenters, men and women who I trust implicitly. This is how I responded to one and it will be the last thing I say publicly on the issue:

It is what it is.  The rules were I couldn't relate the details to anybody who wasn't there.  There have been depictions of this sort of thing in science fiction before but it is now available to anyone.  ANYONE.  For cheap.  I'm sorry, I wish I could say more, but all communications on this subject save face-to-face are simply too dangerous.  The analysts who I hope read this stuff may figure it out.  If so, I hope they draw the correct conclusions.  Both Gatling and Nobel thought their inventions made war too horrible to contemplate.  So too did the makers of the atomic bomb.  They were wrong, of course.  One of the reasons I harp on restraint and reluctance in 4GW rules of engagement is that I understand that when this goes it will, like all wars, get out of hand.  To start from a premise that it is all right to kill innocents, etc. is to simply jettison any moral claim and to speed up the butchery.  If the tyrants kick the thing off, someone on our side will make sure this technology is proliferated, if for no other reason than the forces of tyranny will use it indiscriminately and against innocents, as is their habit,  Thus, when I write the CT authorities of the anger that their victims will feel -- that all of us, those of us who are survivors, will feel -- and of the retribution that will personally accrue to their accounts as a result . . . it will be very real and they will not survive it.  The stupid, ignorant, arrogant fools.  May God punish them for all eternity.

If we can sometime meet, I will tell you about it because I trust you with my life.  Until then, my friend, it will have to be as it is.



GaryM said...

When magnets are outlawed, only outlaws will have magnets!

Very cool and I'm certain that bigger and faster are not too far in the future if not already here.

No flash, little noise, no GSR! I want one.

rexxhead said...

Ah, well, it doesn't microstamp the (reusable) bullets, so it's illegal in California, don'cha know...

RustyGunner said...

Do want!

Anonymous said...

I guess it should be repeated that "The rule of law protects them, not us"....In the governments zeal to throw out the rule of law I guess they forget quickly.

No sane person wants civil war or the horror that goes with it.

Your warning is valid. One only need look at one Tennessee good ole boy who dabbled in his garage and came up with firearm that is universally revered (The Barret M82 and it's derivatives)....and later adopted by the military.

To the .govs: You might want to think about letting us be and play with our 120 year old technology (metallic cartridge repeating firearms) lest we get bored and start looking around us and start dabbling with what is commonly will NOT like the unintended consequences (pun intended Mr/Ms .gov)

"Play tyrannical games, win guerrilla prizes."

Surely you have already read this across the internet. In one form or another this dire warning has been made by the likes of John Ross, Matt Bracken, and Mike V.

Not one of them "want" their dire prediction to come true. They but hope you reflect on the path you are treading and change course.

That noise you hear is the rattle of a snake that is loudly proclaiming "don't tread on me"...Make no mistake a boot stomp will as with natures creature, cause a reactionary bite that will at least debilitate or kill depending on the circumstances.

Just like natures rattle snake we have no interest in biting, we just want to be left the *@#$ alone!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of association to ideas put forth in the novel 'Dune'.

Or something self generating which is quite possible right now.

Anonymous said...

So if this weapon is so effective and cheap, what is preventing the feds from stockpiling to be used to quickly put down resistance? If you know about it then they already have it to the nth degree in quantity, and are developing a game plan.

Anonymous said...

Dear God no - you mean they actually showed you the redacted nude pictures of Nancy Pelosi?

Just imagine what the uncensored pics will do.

Anonymous said...

A railgun is far simpler.

Lasers are another possible weapon. They are complex and expensive to build, but offer a way to fire and not be backtracked (unless the beam passes through mist or dust) and a possible anti-aircraft capability if sufficiently powerful. Even a 1 to 3 watt laser pointer can start fires or damage sensors.

Capitalist Eric said...

While I mean no disrespect, I must disagree with your conclusion that it is too dangerous to publicize such emerging technologies. Anyone affiliated with either the personal or corporate security industries is at least aware of such weapons as you have mentioned. My line of work even requires my attention to defensive measures against such things a SUITCASE-EMPs. Weird stuff but potentially dangerous for the intended victims.

In the case of a conflict between .gov and the people, the people may or may not use such weapons and associated tactics, but their understanding of risks and potential benefits are something people have the right to know... Especially those people who will be fighting and possibly dying for our freedom.

Is it really a wise decision to tactically hinder your own people, when the enemy has no such qualms? If a focused version of 4GW is followed, than the tech advances will make little difference in offensive actions (defense is a different matter). If it gets out of hand, it will do so regardless of whether new new tech is deployed or not... So I again must question the true basis for such a decision.

Again, I mean no disrespect; your work is commendable, and I think of you as one of the "good guys" in this.


Anonymous said...

Capitalist Eric:

I would never attempt to respond for Mike.

I would guess that Mike's reservation to reveal information on this subject is about preventing REAL terrorist factions from using it.

There are some who frankly are more than willing to cause mayhem at the expense of everyone...

One not need search too hard to find this type who now tries to beat a war drum with the American populace.

There is also the situation of operational security or OPSEC. It is a sound decision by Mike.

After all, no disrespect intended, but if I were .gov I would have someone post precisely what you did in your comment. I could then get two birds with one stone...That is to say I could prepare a defense, and I could black flag an operation and smear Mike in the process???? (I am NOT saying that is the case.)

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and a little paranoia is not a bad thing....

In the meantime this guessing game is quite entertaining, and I would imagine just driving .gov batty.

Anonymous said...

If you could collimate the output from a microwave's magnetron (it would not be a true maser, closer to a microwave flashlight), then the energy could be used to disrupt electronic systems and cause pain to enemy personnel (forcing them, for example, to not shoot at you).

The irony is that the DOD built a microwave weapon for riot control, but withdrew it due to opposition from rights groups, though the LAPD uses it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. The top secret game-changing super weapon that will give the average Joe god-like power on a budget sounds a little suspect to me. Unless I had witnessed such a weapon demonstrated in person, and had the working theory and materials used to construct it explained in detail to account for how such a lethal device could be made so cheaply, I would remain skeptical.

Snipe hunts come in many forms.

Anonymous said...


C'mon, man! At least a hint?

Precision, or an area weapon?

Chemical LASER?

Some other flavor of "directed energy"?

Particle beam?

Hybrid of #2 & #3, a "blaster"?


Gamma ray LASER??


Enquiring minds want to know...

Anonymous said...

Once one of these is displayed in this manner, we can be assured that an accurate, lethal version of it exists somewhere now.

I hope it is on the side of the Constitutional Republic.

SWIFT said...

You've always shown good judgement, so I'd never think to pry. I often try to think/imagine my role in the coming fight. What efforts will be made to remove me and given my short temper and towering rage, how far will I go, seeking retribution for past misdeeds, by political tyrants and their neo-nazi praetorian guard? The weapons you speak of are probably best left out of my hands. Yep; I don't trust me!

Anonymous said...

When you get right down to it, the 1903 Wright Flyer wasn't a very good airplane. And, if you will recall, the first plastic lowers Cody Wilson and others cobbled together failed after a few rounds. Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Coming to a gun show near you?

Star Trek Phasers are common directed-energy weapons first seen in the original Star Trek and later seen or referenced in almost all subsequent films and TV spin-offs.

Phasers come in a wide range of sizes, ranging from hand-held versions to starship-mounted ones. Personal phasers can be made small enough to fit in the user's palm and still be very deadly. Larger and more powerful phaser rifles are commonly issued to security personnel. Phaser beams can be adjusted in both width and output. A typical hand phaser can merely stun living organisms, or completely disintegrate them. The beam can be adjusted to strike multiple targets at once or evenly destroy large amounts of material. A starship's phasers can be used as an 'anti-missile' defense to destroy incoming projectiles.

falkenberg said...

"permanently disabling in their effects". I think I understand, I will defer to your judgement (but remember, nature is a blabbermouth). A note on guass weapons, they become more efficient the faster the round is already going. Perhaps a dardick pistol for initial launch, it also has a potentially insane rate of fire (or for that matter an air rifle.) Please take care of yourself. You are doing very good work.

Anonymous said...

My my my, just wait until people figure out what they can do with their average everyday microwaves......

AJ said...

Ummm....10J of projectile energy? That's about a BB gun. Careful kid, you'll shoot yer eye out.
Coil/rail guns have existed since the 70s, but the energy requirements are enormous.
A rail gun that could conceivably be a weapon takes up an entire warehouse. It's not gonna be the next superweapon until portable energy takes a quantum leap.

Anonymous said...

AJ: +1 on power level of man-portable railguns.
The example linked to doesn't get to .22LR power levels, but it's also just carbine-sized.

Maybe, something the length of an M82, with a sized-up projectile (optimizing velocity and mass for striking power, as well as accurate aerodynamic shape) will equal the effectiveness of the best high-pressure airguns?

This is an operational model made with hand tools that is demonstrated to function. Bravo! Add $10M to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of stuff under my sink to deter any stack up

Richard Chiu said...

He's obviously not talking about a gauss gun. That's just an example of the level of complex electronic device that can be built by anyone with readily available materials.

The device he's probably talking about is considerably simpler (for basic models) and incalculably more dangerous. Probably most American's have the essential components in their homes already, and this type of weapon can inflict damage...I probably can't say any more without this comment being rejected.

The thing that is really dangerous about this weapon is that it is extremely difficult to track down, both because the injuries it inflicts aren't readily identifiable and the weapon itself does not create conventional ballistic evidence.

Anonymous said...

These kind of weapons must be monitored well. There are 'bottroffs' around who may abuse this stuff.

'Bottroff' is slang for someone who is a real low-life with a bad attitude towards others.