The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Hartford Courant Wins Julius Streicher Memorial Award!
The following award will be mailed to the Editorial Board of the Hartford Courant on Tuesday in a decorative frame purchased with no expense spared at my local thrift store. -- Mike.
The Julius Streicher Memorial Award
For Biased Advocacy “Journalism”
In the Category of Collectivist Tyranny.
Julius Streicher
Adolf Hitler’s Favorite Journalist
(After dancing the Executioner’s Jig at Nuremberg, 1946.)
Know by these presents that the Hartford Courant Editorial Board is hereby awarded the Julius Streicher Memorial Award for Biased Advocacy Journalism in the category of Collectivist Tyranny for their editorial in the 14 February issue of that paper entitled, “State Can't Let Gun Scofflaws Off Hook -- Gun Registration: Break the law, pay the price.” The prize-winning excerpt:
Connecticut has a gun problem. It's estimated that perhaps scores of thousands of Connecticut residents failed to register their military-style assault weapons with state police by Dec. 31. . . Widespread noncompliance with this major element of a law . . . creates a headache for the state. . . . (O)wning an unregistered assault weapon is a Class D felony. Felonies cannot go unenforced. . . Authorities should use the background check database as a way to find assault weapon purchasers who might not have registered those guns in compliance with the new law. A Class D felony calls for a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. . . If you want to disobey the law, you should be prepared to face the consequences.
The editorial board is to be commended for advocating state violence against heretofore peaceable, law-abiding citizens who merely wish to be left alone with their liberty, property and lives intact under the Constitution and the rule of law. This is wholly in keeping with the journalistic record of Julius Streicher and we are certain that he would entirely approve of the Hartford Courant‘s courageous stance as the shameless lickspittle of a tyrannical regime. Having written with their collective pen a check that someone else's son or daughter in the Connecticut State Police will have to cash in blood -- their own or the designated victims of the Courant, but probably both -- it is to be hoped that the Courant editorial board will have the courage of its.convictions and will, individually or collectively, lead the first raid parties.
In the meantime, it is my honor to present on behalf of Julius Streicher (currently unavailable and burning in Hell) this award for the Courant’s fearless advocacy of state-sponsored violence in service of collectivist tyranny.
Mike Vanderboegh
Sipsey Street Irregulars, PO Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126
It is the goal of gungrabbers to pass laws and then want someone else's son or daughter to go and enforce them. I say they may want to enforce that law THEMSELVES, BUT watch the last 300 yards...
The good people of CT have already demonstrated their contempt for this unjust and unConstitutional law. It was not ignorance of the law that caused low compliance.
So, when the arrogant politicians decide to make an example of some one to make others fall in line, just how will this end?
As noted above, the worst is going to happen. I suspect there will be bloodshed with several dead LEOs and their victims. What purpose does this serve to kill innocent citizens other than to demonstrate that the state demands obedience?
All these CT politicians should be wearing Brown Shirts with Nazi arm bands.
It takes brilliant cognitive thinking to expose, discredit and defy, these sociopaths and psychopaths and their agenda of cognitive dissonance of brainwashing the masses through the political tool of the state run media complex.
Mike Vanderboegh is the Andrew Breitbart of the 3 Percent.
LOL I love it! Some of your best work yet, Mike. I literally died laughing, however, this is going to be deady serious to those gun owners who did not comply, and there is going to be blood shed as I'm sure a small percentage have no will to go quietly into that Collectivist Goodnight. For the others, they will simply go away to prison for a very long time for nothing other than owning a firearm and wanting to be left along in the liberty to own it without the government knowing where it is so they can come confiscate it.
Becoming a citizen-soldier is... becoming for a man. Of any age. The Appleseed Project is building a "Nation of Riflemen" capable of hitting the man-sized target at 400 yards. This is nothing more than an inducement to politicians to get out of their coastal elite echo chamber and listen to the sobering consequences of their misbegotten power-grab.
It takes brilliant cognitive thinking to expose, discredit and defy, these sociopaths and psychopaths and their agenda of cognitive dissonance of brainwashing the masses through the political tool of the state run media complex.
Mike Vanderboegh is the Andrew Breitbart of the 3 Percent.
February 17, 2014 at 3:15 AM
I do believe what we have here is our own modern Thomas Paine.
Connecticut gun owners need to get organized so that when one of them is raided, the rest are informed. They shouldn't let themselves get picked off one by one.
Did you send a small, travel-sized container of petrolium jelly with the award for the good case of chap-ass the award will surely cause?
It is the goal of gungrabbers to pass laws and then want someone else's son or daughter to go and enforce them. I say they may want to enforce that law THEMSELVES, BUT watch the last 300 yards...
Thats great. I hope they proudly mount it in their boardroom. Nice touch.
The good people of CT have already demonstrated their contempt for this unjust and unConstitutional law. It was not ignorance of the law that caused low compliance.
So, when the arrogant politicians decide to make an example of some one to make others fall in line, just how will this end?
As noted above, the worst is going to happen. I suspect there will be bloodshed with several dead LEOs and their victims. What purpose does this serve to kill innocent citizens other than to demonstrate that the state demands obedience?
All these CT politicians should be wearing Brown Shirts with Nazi arm bands.
It takes brilliant cognitive thinking to expose, discredit and defy, these sociopaths and psychopaths and their agenda of cognitive dissonance of brainwashing the masses through the political tool of the state run media complex.
Mike Vanderboegh is the Andrew Breitbart of the 3 Percent.
Would someone just please shut that guy up for good?
Did you also send a long length of rope to go with that award? Not tied in a noose, mind you. That would be raaaacist.
B Woodman
LOL I love it! Some of your best work yet, Mike. I literally died laughing, however, this is going to be deady serious to those gun owners who did not comply, and there is going to be blood shed as I'm sure a small percentage have no will to go quietly into that Collectivist Goodnight. For the others, they will simply go away to prison for a very long time for nothing other than owning a firearm and wanting to be left along in the liberty to own it without the government knowing where it is so they can come confiscate it.
Becoming a citizen-soldier is... becoming for a man. Of any age. The Appleseed Project is building a "Nation of Riflemen" capable of hitting the man-sized target at 400 yards. This is nothing more than an inducement to politicians to get out of their coastal elite echo chamber and listen to the sobering consequences of their misbegotten power-grab.
MtTopPatriot said...
It takes brilliant cognitive thinking to expose, discredit and defy, these sociopaths and psychopaths and their agenda of cognitive dissonance of brainwashing the masses through the political tool of the state run media complex.
Mike Vanderboegh is the Andrew Breitbart of the 3 Percent.
February 17, 2014 at 3:15 AM
I do believe what we have here is our own modern Thomas Paine.
I wonder if there is anyone at the Courant with enough knowledge of history to connect Der Stürmer and the "Spandau Ballet"?
Certainly a well-deserved award.
Harr! He did a fine dance at rope's end!
Connecticut gun owners need to get organized so that when one of them is raided, the rest are informed. They shouldn't let themselves get picked off one by one.
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