Saturday, February 22, 2014

Statist Republicans Kill ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill In South Carolina

A bill that would allow South Carolinians to carry guns openly or concealed without first receiving the State’s sanction through a permit was killed by Republicans. It failed to advance out of the State’s Judiciary Committee — despite a large Republican majority — under strong opposition from Republican Senator Larry Martin.


SWIFT said...

A Republican Quisling is always a more dangerous person than a left-wing Democrat. And boy, do we have a shit load of them. Our very own fifth column, leading into the mid-terms. To South Carolina patriots: you have a name that needs to be placed on your list.

MamaLiberty said...

Must be because of all the shootouts in Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming...

Oh wait!

Anonymous said...

So, by all means, don't go vote for a Republican this fall, thereby ensuring continued control by damned Democrats! This bill was obviously in favor of "Vermont-style" carry. Some otherwise reasonable people are afraid of allowing people who have not been approved by a gov't agency to carry guns. A good, shall issue, policy for licensing people to carry concealed is not necessarily a bad thing.

Unfortunately, we are faced with having to vote for the lessor of the two main evils, because of punitive ballot access laws in most states. I suggest voting for Republicans who are not "Quislings".

WarriorClass III said...

Unless people get out of this Republican vs Democrat paradigm we will never view politics as freedom vs tyranny, which is where we actually live. Does it really matter whether your shackels are marked with an "R" or a "D"?

Apparently, some people are quite happy to be slaves as long as it's to "their" team of thugs, thinking they derive some benefit from that brand of slavery.

Anonymous said...

Dem/Rep. Two sides of the same coin. Neither care about you or your rights.


Longbow said...

If you vote for either of the two evils you are still voting for evil. A Pragmatic person asks you, "Would you like a serving of shit or a serving of shit with chocolate syrup andf cherries?"

The men who vote against Constitutional Carry are NOT on our side. Why wouldn't you can them?

Continued control by the Democrats? What do you think you have now? Even with a majority Republican legislature, it does you no good if they are philosophically aligned with the other side.

A Shall issue licensing system is necessarily a bad thing. It ios the Chocolate syrup and cherrys on the shit you were handed to eat. You are told it is the best you can expect. Being made to beg permission from the State in order to exercise a right preserved to you by the State's charter is EVIL!
You have a Natural right to bear amrs. Period!

Chuck Martel said...

The word is the SC tourism industry lobby killed the open carry bill. It was feared that "minority youth" walking around Charleston with pistols strapped to their hips would scare off the tourists. I must admit I was surprised when I first heard it. However, in thinking about it, it makes sense because it's always about the money.

Anonymous said...

"Statist Republicans." OK, GOPers, prove that's not a redundancy. I'm not waiting long for your response.

Jim Klein said...

"Some otherwise reasonable people are afraid of allowing people who have not been approved by a gov't agency to carry guns."

So what? Lots of people are afraid of lots of things. Is one guy's fear some kind of claim on others or something? I hear that poverty is these fear too?

"A good, shall issue, policy for licensing people to carry concealed is not necessarily a bad thing."

I know the legal authority for a citizen to keep and bear arms. What's the legal authority to license it? Why isn't passing laws without the authority to do so, necessarily a bad thing? Does that mean anyone can just go ahead and pass some laws and cage people for violating them? If not, why not?

Jimmy the Saint said...

@SWIFT: "A Republican Quisling is always a more dangerous person than a left-wing Democrat. And boy, do we have a shit load of them. Our very own fifth column, leading into the mid-terms."

Actually, given their performance over the years, the real Fifth Column in the GOP are - to a greater or lesser degree - guys like Cruz and Rand Paul. The bulk of the GOP's stock in trade IS betrayal of the nation. They just like to wrap themselves in the flag whilst doing it.

Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to tell you!!! Get your heads out of the sand and out of your ass.
A vote for ANY third party candidate is exactly the same as a vote for a Democrat!

A vote for Ross Perot got us Bill Clinton. Votes for the Libertarian candidate recently got Virginia a Democrat governor. People staying home instead of voting for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon got us Obama again. A friend of mine wouldn't vote for Mitt because his preacher said the Mormon church is a cult. Hell, ALL reli9gions are cults to one degree or another. WAKE UP, PEOPLE! The ONLY way out of this is to have constitutional candidates running as Republicans and to get off your butts and go to the polls and vote Republican, even if you think the candidate is a RINO or if you don't like his religion. The only important thing today is regaining Liberty. It make take a while to get it with Republicans but you will NEVER have Liberty with the damned Democrats! Quit letting religion influence your vote. Religion has directly caused many of mankind's problems for thousands of years. Just vote for Liberty!

Jim Klein said...

"Just vote for Liberty!"

Truly classic, right up there with "square circle."

Anonymous said...

And so we continue to see the suicide of the RINO Republitard Party.
I hope a good Constitutional candidate can be found in time who can oust these "Juan McPains" of SC.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

You can't vote yourself out of the damage that has been done.The Republic has been overthrown and the "government" is not a government (See: Law of Nations by Vatel). They cannot meet their internal and external obligations and haven't since 1933. They are operating undr Emergency War Powers and had been declared a dictatorship according to Roosevelts EO's.

SWIFT said...

@Jimmie the Saint, you make a good point. In truth, I'm burnt out trying to separate ordinary shit, from chocolate covered shit. I'm actually waiting for the second Ft. Sumter. Perhaps my "vote" will be a little more meaningful then. Then again, maybe not.

Anonymous said...

I live in Alaska where Constitutional Carry for handguns was implemented in 2003. The results have been mainly reducing the angst of law abiding citizens when they do carry. Police officers see little difference. As it turns out, the average person is much more trustworthy and responsible than you may imagine. Also you get a odd fuzzy feeling that your fellow citizen has your back even if you do not carry.