Thursday, January 16, 2014

Well, at least they're going to have ATF oversight hearings. But are they going to subpoena James P. "Little Jimmy" Vann and ask him -- under oath -- about Ramsey Bear and economic Wacos?

Congressional committees to investigate botched ATF stings


Anonymous said...

They have been "investigating " and "looking at " and "trying to get answers" for almost five years. Issa chafer and the rest have been chain yanking all along to the point great van susteran had to say it out loud - they have the power to subpoena and compel UNDER OATH questions that demand answers or pleading the fifth.

Republicans have complete control over process I. The House and it is THEY who stall, blockade, stonewall and otherwise impede progress regarding busting out the criminal organization called the BATFE.

NOTHING will come of this "new" round of investigations just like nothing has come of the rest of it. John Boehner should be ousted in the Republican Party primaries over his refusal to let TRUTH come out. That would send the message that democrats being tossed out does not equate to approval of Republican covering up the ongoing criminality with endless clams if "investigations".....

SWIFT said...

There are those in Washington, in this Administration, who will welcome these hearings. It will take the public eye off the IRS, HHS, NSA, and other scum agencies like the FBI. It's an old fashion technique called, "limited hangout". As for Little Jimmy Van, it would do no good to subpoena him. He has watched other hearings, seen perjury committed, and no prosecution. So, he would just get up in the hearings, lie like the scum bucket he is, then go home to his easy life. That's Washington. That's what we pay for.

Anonymous said...

The congress is well practiced at "investigating" the matter (whatever the matter happens to be this time) and holding grand hearings. Plenty of make-up applied and a whole lot of mugging for the cameras.

The result is always the same. A bundle of money is squandered. Days of distraction, sound-bites to calm the anxious constituents, wringing of hands by the congressthings and plenty of deference to LEOs at all levels.

Worthless bastards.


Anonymous said...

It's the Teddy Bear to blame - NOT the Goliwog!


Anonymous said...


As you well know, many members of congress have been in on the ATF "Bear Hunt" during the active search.

They can't afford to have it on the record that essentially they stood moot...

The ATF is not about to breathe a word voluntarily as they ARE on the record making enquirers of him in court cases...These same transcripts sent to members of congress.

Just so we are all clear, the real truth can't be made public. Politically both congress and ATF are on the same side here....Mustn't speak of it.

Just Sayin'

Anonymous said...

So, they're going to have ATF oversight hearings.


Shit will roll along as usual.