Friday, January 31, 2014

More unpunished uniformed thuggery.

Rookie cop who shot 72-year-old dead in his home while investigating burglary at the WRONG address will not be charged.


SWIFT said...

It appears local PD's have been issued a License to Kill, just like the FBI has had for years. Do you really believe these swine will stand with the people WTSHTF? They won't! They'll be your worst nightmare. All that anyone has to do is look at the number of similar incidents. What number does it take for patriots to realize that these are NOT isolated incidents? This is policy!

Anonymous said...

Swift, I reckon you're right. But think about this: Those shiny badges those boys wear ought to make DANDY aim points.

Anonymous said...

The US Constitution - a quaint little document that our betters find mildly amusing.

ATOM ANT said...

I don't see why the cop can't be sued up the ying yang for wrongful death.