Thursday, January 16, 2014

Schumer playing with his tectonic plates again.

Charlie Schumer's favorite image when he claims near-victory on anything is that "the tectonic plates are shifting." He did it with gun control in the 90s (see image above). He claimed it again during the 2008 election. Now he's back playing with his plates again -- Schumer: 'Tectonic plates' are shifting. He should cut that serial masturbatory fantasy stuff out. He might grow hair on his palms.


Anonymous said...

That ain't a Techtonic Plate shifting, Senator.

It's the flap under your feet!


Anonymous said...

The flap that is going to drop someday soon?

twinstick said...

Schmucky Chucky is at it again, I see. 10 bucks says he knocked over a dozen people trying to get in front of that lone cameraman...