Tuesday, January 7, 2014

To say it is colder than a witch's tit would be an insult to honest witches everywhere.

It's somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 degrees out there right now. The smelly dogs have been in with us all night and though the furnace has been running full-tilt boogie with the thermostat set at 70 it is barely 60 degrees in here at the moment. I've got incandescent light bulbs shining on all the pipes mounted to exterior walls and two electric space heaters going in the garage to keep it barely above freezing. It's enough to make me break into a chorus of Warren Zevon. Where's Al Gore's global warming when you need it? But, the power's still on and that's a lot to be thankful for. Hate to see the gas and electric bills next month, though.


MamaLiberty said...

That's really cold for your area! Hope it warms up again fast, but I'd suggest some real insulation in the future since it is supposed to get even colder in the coming years as the sun gets less active.

It was -17 here yesterday morning, nowhere near the coldest it has been, but cold enough. I'm thankful for the 12 inch logs that make up the outer walls of my home, and the wood fire that adds so much to the electric space heaters. No furnace in here, but no real problem.

A balmy 27 degrees outside this morning!

Anonymous said...

That is strange - I have never met an honest witch!

My favored version is "colder than a witches tit at midnight" on New Years Eve at altitude, to be more specific!

But usually we say colder than a "well diggers ass".

Perhaps we need a comparative study?


Anonymous said...

Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra.

Colder than a cast iron toilet seat on the shady side of an iceberg.

You don't insulate houses down there? Works for AC as well as for heat.

Anonymous said...

'Colder than a witches heart' is how I learned that expression. But regardless, it is colder than hell, that's for sure! 28 below this morning, which was ten degrees warmer than yesterday morning and eight degrees colder than tonight's forecast. Been a long time since I can remember a winter with such a long cold spell. Now if I can just get the water and septic thawed out, I'd be sittin' pretty good.

Anonymous said...

-2F in Hell (Michigan) as I am writing this.

Balmy 7F in northwest Vermont.

Ice has been troublesome this year. 3" on the car last week, more to come.

Precision270 said...


an idea that costs damn little and makes a big difference for room temps.

For $10 or less you have heat for quite a while.

Ed said...

In high school we heard the expression "colder than a teacher's wit".

PH said...

"Colder than a witch's heart" was popular in Pittsburgh about 40 years ago. Jack Bogut, KDKA used it.