Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sean Penn owning guns after domestic violence plea raises legal questions

Yeah, how does that happen, exactly?


Anonymous said...

Especially baffling when one reads this article:

Anonymous said...

My first thought is that a domestic violence plea should either be treated as a felony or not as a felony. Depends. It is NOT right to restrict a basic Constitutional Right for a misdemeanor!
Sean Penn is not my favorite person, but the the Second Amendment IS one of the Bill of Rights!

SWIFT said...

All states have a provision in law for ARD, or similar program, where if you are a first time offender, after a year of probation, the record is sealed. It is like the crime never happened. Sean Penn may have been on such a program. With his money, doors are opened, even if you are one sick shit bag.

Anonymous said...

It's Hollywierd, don't'cha know? Where the Elites rule, and the laws don't apply to them, only to The Little People.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

I wish people would THINK a bit.

The BILL of rights became LAW upon ratification. Indeed, it became PART OF the Constitition itself. There is no "Comstitution and bill of rights" and there isn't even a bill of rights. There is just the law, the supreme law, called the Constitution.

A bill is a proposal without affect. Law is enforceable.
So if you must, call it the LAW of Rights, rather than the Bill of Rights, in order to demonstrate that you understand it IS enforceable.

On to the felony / misdemeanor question. Guess what- the word inalienable comes into play here and it has meaning too. In order to take away arms a person must be imprisoned via due process hinging upon trial by jury of peers. Upon release from that imprisonment, a Citizen must have rights restored. Fully restored. Absent that, application of "justice" becomes nothing more than a tool of slow motion enslavement.

If one is too dangerous to be armed then they are too dangerous to walk among free people - thus they must remain jailed. If it's about what they "might" do then we have lost entirely the idea of innocent until proven guilty. And then we are right back to slow motion enslavement but this time based on collective punishment based on the prevention canard.

It's past time we adhere to the words written in the Supreme Law. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least we know he's disarmed now. Maybe somebody should help him out spiritually and put a sign in his yard that says something like "self defense no longer practiced in this home".

AJ said...

I personally disagree with taking away a felon's rights, let alone taking them for a midemeanor DV. When a man is released from prison, has he paid his debt to society or hasn't he?
At any rate, Penn is an idiot, and so is Charlize.

Anonymous said...

Well, when you are a BFF of every Marxist dickhead in North, South and Central America including the POTUS, Parasite of the United States it is easy. Since he is a Communist and the son of a Communist that was black listed in the 50's that places him among the elites of the Marxist Progressive Democrats. What is the sense in having freinds in high places if they can't protect his no talent ass against getting busted by the local enforcers. After all it isn't like he is a Conservative that really should have his rights violated.

Anonymous said...

Just an update: Sean Penn the hypocrite melted all his guns down because Charlize Theron told him to if he wanted to date her. She's a bigger hypocrite too: her mother would be dead if not for a gun used to shoot her abusive father in self defense.