Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Oh, for cryin' out loud. The bureaucracy picked a great time to announce this one.

EPA proposes restrictions for new wood stoves


Anonymous said...

Since they can't outright murder us, (yet), they'll try to make us freeze to death instead.

Anonymous said...

This has been in the works for quite a while, if not decades. I remember when we had to throw away the old barrel stove because it wasn't 'compliant' with EPA regs and the insurance wouldn't cover it. So we put in a 'new and improved EPA compliant' stove and the insurance was happy... now they'll be back checking to see how compliant this old stove no longer is. Kind'a pisses me off, but it ain't just the EPA regs we gotta suck up to just to keep our backsides warm in winter. (Which has been a real challenge this year!)

Anonymous said...

This is at least the third time (to my recollection) this sort of government regulatory fiat has been imposed. Again, (ATMR) every time when times were tough and "joe/jane citizen" were working to make the buffalo sweat.

It is becoming ever more apparent the USG is at war - with its citizenry - or at least that segment still cherishing independence and freedom ! >Jeff

Anonymous said...

And I aways thought using renewable resources was "environmentally friendly".

In New England, most people who heat with wood have comparatively low heating bills, even if they have the wood cut, delivered, and stacked.

Bureaucrats not having enough to do?

Anonymous said...

The true purpose is twofold - to force those who can least afford new stuff out of their own homes, and to dis-incentivez the more prosperous to give up their options, once again.

Note that poor folks are the ones chopping firewood for sale to improve their own incomes - which may explain why a cord now costs the same as in the 70's.

SWIFT said...

As many citizens across the Republic have learned, the EPA is as big a threat to liberty as the ATF and FBI. The EPA is staffed with thugs who, in a case in Idaho, didn't believe their target had a right to due process. If I recall correctly, it took the Supreme Court to bring these pole smokers back to reality. It will get worse.

Anonymous said...

This from the exact same mindset that approves
of murdering the unborn for reasons of convienience and

Anonymous said...

quote"The EPA will take public comment on the proposed changes for 90 days."unquote

Oh, really? In that case here's mine.

Seeing as this article was from Fairbanks Alaska, I'd submit a majority of people who live in Alaska use wood stoves to keep warm. I also believe a majority keep a gun handy too. Remember that the day you decide to send your EPA Stazi to rip out their "unapproved" stoves.

Anonymous said...

looks to me where they cant do shit about the ones on the market now and those that are already installed