Friday, January 3, 2014

New 'assault weapon' poll gives new reason to be glad US is not a 'democracy'

The public can vote to ban so-called "assault weapons" if it wants. A majority can even vote to confiscate those we already own. They need to remember, though, that to paraphrase Mike Vanderboegh, even after the polls close, the armed citizen still gets a vote. That would be a very ugly campaign, and one that the pro-forcible disarmament camp would lose--badly.


Anonymous said...

"The Second Amendment is no different."

That is stated in direct context of the First Amendment that nitwit "journalists" (pollsters included) hold so dear.

Now then, mr Rasmussen, let's just ask this straight up poll question - Does government have the authority to ban "assault type weapons?

Even me pollster himself is to chicken shit to ask that question - mostly because he IS smart enough to know the answer - which is obviously NO. He wouldn't want to expose the idiocy of his very bread and butter - the "people" he polls alongside the. "Science " of his "polls".

Anonymous said...

I note that the question was: "semiautomatic and 'Assault style'

This is a far broader class of firearms and encompasses ALL modern sporting firearms including semiautomatic Fudd guns.

Everything that has been around since 1904 - we are dealing with Luddites.


Paul X said...

Although the article conclusion was right on target, the writer must have been smoking something when he penned this:
"That's because in a republic, and not a "democracy," the rights of 49% of the population are not to be held hostage to the whims of the other 51%, or indeed the rights of 33% to the whims of 59% as claimed by Rasmussen, or even 0.01% to the whims of the other 99.99%. Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human rights cannot be made subject to a popularity contest, or they are no rights at all."

Time to wake up, dude. The only thing guaranteeing this right is the willingness of people to shoot the confiscators. Exactly as you concluded, in fact.

gunnyg said...

No bravado here but I'll will take a few with me. I knew that my life was forfeit when I signed on the dotted line in 1979 and kept on signing until 2002. I'd rather be dead than live in what will be left over if we surrender.

Paul X nailed it. Shoot those who violate the Constitution.