Friday, November 1, 2013

Police perform “simulated drug raid” on 5th graders; child attacked by police dog

This militarized police insanity has to stop.
What was pitched as a “drug awareness” event was in reality more of a “police state conditioning” drill. Young, impressionable kids were subjected to witness first-hand one of America’s most offensive policies: cops crashing into private parties to arrest citizens for possessing a plant or a substance without permission. The kids were being conditioned to accept that getting searched by police dogs without cause is normal behavior that should be supported.


Anonymous said...

Conditioning the children to get them used to having their rights violated.

Pyrotek85 said...

I see they were going for realism here.

Anonymous said...

Where and when?? This could be called "public stupidness" and be illegal!!!!

FedUp said...

Do they have recall elections in Indiana?

If so, may I propose one for Judge Akers, who thought he had the authority to order this whole fiasco?

FedUp said...

BTW, if they were really treating it as they would any other dog attack on a child, the dog would be awaiting a court hearing for the owner to attempt to prove why the dog should not be put down. Would be a shame if their $15,000 four footed toy got euthanized.

SWIFT said...

As a matter of honor, Chief Clint McQueen should resign. All other authorities, directly involved, should resign. The parents should file a class action lawsuit. Tramatizing 5th graders is sick. How many times have these "conditioning" exercises gone wrong? Enough is enough. If the authorities refuse to wake up, sue them into poverty. Stupidity needs to be painful.

Anonymous said...

It would be more realistic if one of the victims in this fiasco picked up a letter opener and stabbed the dog.

Ken said...

The one who "lifted a finger" (or in this case, a letter opener) would have got only a Kugel for his/her trouble.

Anonymous said...

Check out the trousers on the butterball donut crunching dog handler! I'm betting they're around W50 x L28.