Saturday, November 2, 2013

‘Progressives’ firing up ‘racism’ charge to intimidate gun owners, conservatives

Trayvon Martin’s mother was invited to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, not for her expertise in defensive gun uses and lawful protective actions, but to ensure that “Stand Your Ground” laws (that were not relied on in the Zimmerman defense) would be widely perceived as racist, and a “legal” excuse for white people to murder innocent blacks.


bondmen said...

Our most outstanding spokesman in the Unites States Senate has responded to this racism charge being made by collectivists and National Socialists like Dick Durbin by talking directly to Trayvon Martin's mother:

Ed said...

This week in Tampa, Florida saw another defensive gun use:

What you do not see unless you look closely is that both the shooter and the man with the knife are black. Why do you need to look closely? Because their skin color is irrelevant and does not change the outcome for either man. Do note that the shooter was not arrested.

Anonymous said...

If I ever got the chance, I'd tell Ms. Martin:

"Your child was a violent thug. According to the almost unintelligible testimony of Rachel Jeantel, your son assumed Mr. Zimmerman was a homosexual, and tried to commit a hate-crime against him. Thankfully, Mr. Zimmerman was armed that night, and was able to defend himself. You should hang your head in shame that you raised such a monster of Shakespearean-proportions, but instead you have no shame, and want to disarm others so that other thugs may run wild in our streets. You are a terrible parent, and may Almighty God have mercy on your son's soul."