Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Outrage mixed with delight. I must confess that I love it when these collectivists bulldoze their own legitimacy.

That old Mandate of Heaven thing:
Michelle Malkin writes: Occupy America! Park Visitors Storm the Barrycades
But some animals are more equal than others: Signs say National Mall closed, but immigration reform rally is a go.
But there's no room at the inn for religious services:Shut Down Theatrics Trample Religious Freedom
And friendly Ranger Rick turns into SS man Schultz: Yellowstone Visitors Removed with "Gestapo Tactics"


Anonymous said...

When are the 3%'rs and other militia movements going to get involved? This entire country is becoming a "Waco".


John G said...

also using armed thugs to keep businesss closed...

Anonymous said...

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
...and it's beginning to look mighty thirsty these days...