Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Issa calls denial of dismissal in Fast and Furious lawsuit ‘repudiation’ of DOJ

Whether that confidence will be borne out has been a matter of no small amount of skepticism in a gun rights community weary of the stonewalling, interminable delays, and the seeming lack of any meaningful repercussions. The prevailing sentiment expressed by readers at Gun Rights Examiner and Sipsey Street Irregulars -- where the initial reports on the government-sanctioned gun smuggling operation were made, where the Congress was pressured to protect the whistleblowers and investigate their allegations, and where “legitimate news media” was urged to investigate and report on their own -- has been one of cynicism that justice will be forthcoming, and resignation that killings using the “walked” guns will continue regardless.


Anonymous said...

Disbar the racist fruit loop. If DOJ and it's leader are officially repudiated, held in contempt of congress and guilty of clearly lying to congress, then why does holder still have a law license? Why not go after that, especially now?

Cuz Issa is a piss stain liar just like Boehner.
So brazen is their participation in the cover up. "To protect national security" that Cummings mocks them both openly and relentlessly. ( interestingly, like a slave owner of yesteryear).

Republicans have now proven that they can withhold finding from the executive branch if it WANTS to do so.
They COULD take a like stand and gather on the steps of the congress in front of cameras. They could say, with gowdy at the mic that NO BUDGET WILL PASS THIS HOUSEZ UNTIL Barry and his cabinet turn over all requested documents relating to fast and furious AND Benghazi.

But they won't. They are too busy faking it all making people look at Obamacare while they fabricate amnesty for illegal aliens.

Make no mistake - Issa will stall this and everything else for use in electioneering - and nothing more. Cuz he's a proven snake.

Left Coast Conservative said...

This legal path will wend its way slowly through the courts, resulting in the release of files just in time for an outgoing President Obama to pardon Eric Holder.

Anonymous said...

If I could go back in time, I'd have the Founding Fathers make the Department of Justice a completely independent branch of the government whose sole purpose would to make life a living hell for the other three branches, by stonewalling and delaying anything they'd try to accomplish.

What we have today though, is a Department of Justice that is the lapdog of the executive branch...