Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I wonder what the real story is here.

Explosives, cache of guns & ammo, dangerous chemicals uncovered at Bronson home


Rob Crawford said...

"Anybody who makes bombs has some sort of nefarious reason."

Never did trust those Mythbusters people.

Anonymous said...

Lawn fertilizer for fall. 12 gauge for hunting ducks, two boxes of shells. A deer rifle in 30-30, and a .22 for small game. Half a brick of ammo for the .22. Two boxes of 20 rds each for the deer rifle. In Liberal land this is heavy firepower. To the intelligent amongst us it is a home owner that likes to hunt on occasion.

AJ said...

Sounds like a whole lot of nothin' to me. Not one thing listed is illegal to posses. It is also legal to make explosive devices for personal use, so long as you don't sell or give them away, and don't use them in an unlawful manner. However, storing them does require a permit, and an approved storage magazine.
Muffuggers need to learn the law.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I knew this guy in CT, he was a chemist for Remington, until they moved to Arkansas in the 70's. I think this is part of the Hartford Insurance Companies programming of CT Residents to hate guns and ammo. I was a lobbyist in CT and this has been building up for years with the underwriters, they want to reduce risk at any cost..

Anonymous said...

Real story is likely that he'd accumulated the items over the years he had been involved in explosives and ammunition related work professionally and as his hobby. Why would anyone be surprised that he would own guns and ammunition after a long career in the chemistry of propellants and explosives?!

Similarly, HE IS A CHEMIST. Chemicals and chemical apparatus would be as usual for him to have around as, say, wood and hand tools would be to a life long carpenter.

When he started accumulating his now oh so scary trove of guns, ammo and chemistry supplies, it was all legal and normal. Society and the law changed around him, but he just kept on doing what he'd allways done.

He may have other explosives related interests, pyrotechnics in particular as some of the chemical containers shown are of the type used by retailers of hobby pyrotechnic chemicals and rocketry supplies in my experience.

I would bet that the "explosives devices" will turn out to be display fireworks rather than IED's- Neither the local police or BATFE would bother to make a distinction, if such were found stored improperly in a residential area.

When the shouting and press field day is over, he will likely be charged for improper storage of explosives, possibly improper or unlicensed storage of hazardous chemicals, and be broken by the legal fees & stress. He will probably lose his business and his home. And all probably with no intent on his part to harm anyone.

I have seen similar things happen to other old guys who didn't think about how post 9/11 USA law enforcement would react to discovering their hobby supplies. And helped safely clean up such collections for the relatives of nice old men who happened to be dabblers in pyrotechnics or retired explosives workers when they died unexpectedly, leaving their heirs perplexed as to what the heck to do with all that "stuff" grandpa had in his shop..

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a man with typical hobbies to me. I once had over 180,000 rounds of ammo for PAFS (Ramset, Hilti & Remington) tools stored in my basement. Took most of them to the annual "Hazardous Waste" collection and the guy in charge wanted all of them loaded into his personal truck so he could sell them to area construction contractors. I could see the dollar signs in his eyes when he first saw them.

Ed said...

I am surprised they did not also accuse him of wizardry.

Old Dog said...

Out of state resident. Initials BATFE by any chance?

SWIFT said...

My money says there were no bombs. Another exercise in bullshit by the Drama Queens, to grab a headline.

Anonymous said...

I really hate these bed-wetting, hand-wringing progressive authoritarian cowards. It won"t be long before you'll be reading that a man was arrested and was found to be in possession of "implements of torture" after they found a gallon jug of water and dish towels in his kitchen. They are, after all, used for water-boarding.

I hate to say it, but short of a civil war, I don't see how we are going to rid the country of these freaks.

Anonymous said...

who is this mysterious "out of state" resident that supposedly tipped off police?

How did he find out about this guy or any of his stuff if he was an out of state resident?

I think the real question here is who is this guy that started all of this and what is his angle in getting this poor guy crucified by the Federal and state goon squad?

Anonymous said...

If you have swimming pool chlorine powder and 30 weight motor oil in your garage or storage shed, you have just stored self-igniting WMD chlorine gas bomb material on your property.

Welcome to Gitmo.

Think about it. They can arrest anybody, anytime, for anything.

We won't even discuss caustic lye and aluminum.

Anonymous said...

Once again....never call police.

Anonymous said...

What, no illegal cigarettes?