Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I am tempted to say "May God Himself urinate on them all."

Marine Corps whistleblower faces vengeance from superiors.
The Marine Corps officer who filed a complaint against the commandant for intervening in the Taliban urination cases against eight Marines is now the target of reprisals from superiors, his attorney says.
Retired Marine Col. Jane Siegel, who is representing Maj. James Weirick, said superiors have subjected the major to retaliations since it became known that he filed a whistleblower complaint against Gen. James Amos, the commandant and Joint Chiefs of Staff member.
“Headquarters Marine Corps is undercutting a hero,” Col. Siegel said. “He did the right thing, and they are trying to bury it and him.”
Maj. Weirick, a staff judge advocate at the Combat Development Command at Quantico, Va., accuses Gen. Amos of violating the military edict against unlawful command influence by urging guilty verdicts to the general overseeing the cases.
The major also told the Pentagon’s inspector general that Gen. Amos’ legal advisers unlawfully classified most of the evidence, including potentially embarrassing emails at headquarters, to keep the material away from defense attorneys.


Anonymous said...

The US military has been corrupted since the "Clinton Purge" in the 90s. Promotion is based on "party loyalty" and "loyalty to the leader". If you think that anyone above the rank of major still believes in "Duty Honor Country" and placing the "Good of the Nation First" You are deluded. The Men with stars and eagles on their collars are costumed whores-for sale to the highest bidder---Ray

Okie Patriot said...

I have alwys been a sucker for romantic sorts of things. In 1982 I enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve to keep the Russians from invading us. Later on jumped through the hoops to get commissioned a 2ndLt. Went to war in the early 90's and helped to spread "Democracy with the sword" by helping to put the Amir of Kuwait back on his thrown. At that that time the recruiting slogan was "God, Country and Corps". Being a nieve country boy I figured that meant that if the whole Marine Corps had to wash up dead on the beach in order to preserve the country then so be it. Later as a jaded Captain I realized that my beloved Marine Corps was mostly concerned with preserving the Marine Corps. It led to our divorce. From what I see this path has continued