Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Here's a big surprise. Say it ain't so, B.O.

White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info


FedUp said...

So, it's OK to share confidential taxpayer information in emails circulating throughout the political wings of the Obama administration, but when investigators want the emails the confidential information has to be redacted before they can see it?

Anonymous said...

Now Congress has the irrefutable truth that the White House was given this information in clear violation of the law. That means the question needs to be ask. "What did the President know and when did he know it." Next step is to bring the minions in the inner circle into the mix. This puts the investigation very close to the Oval Office. But the key will be the 2014 elections. Unless the Senate flips the chances of removing this criminal will next to nil.

Ed said...

Time for an independent prosecutor to be appointed for this and other crimes in the Executive Branch of government. Take the funding for this out of the NPS Ranger budget, as it is more important than setting up orange cones and barricades.

SWIFT said...

DO NOT trust the Republicans to pursue this scandal with any zeal, integrity, or honoring a constitutional mandate. They are already caving on immigration and I expect them to crawdad on the debt ceiling. (How do people walk upright without a spine? Jellyfish can't!) The political situation in the Republic is beyond repair. Once again, the citizen taxpayer is going to pay, to sustain the most corrupt administration in history. When is enough, enough? What are we expected to do, draw yet another line in the sand? I am thoroughly pissed!