Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bipartisan letter of opposition to the UN Arms Trade Treaty. (And remember boys and girls, UN Day is fast approaching!)

Too bad. No Blue Helmets as targets for now.
And here's a reminder: Y'all have only eight days until 24 October -- UN Day! So get those celebratory targets painted up for range day. You don't have to waste a perfectly serviceable brain bucket made out of steel or kevlar. Just go to your local thrift store and buy a toy helmet for less than a buck. The important thing is to make sure it's painted UN blue. Then take it to your range of choice and hole it -- thoroughly. Thus do we refute the logic of internationally-enforced citizen disarmament.

1 comment:

Joseph P. Martino said...

Blogger "Resister in the Rockies" is promoting the electrical symbol for a resistor as the "resistance" symbol. I suggest people copy this symbol from his web site and print it on Avery 5160 labels (possibly with the word "RESIST" printed below it). These can be placed in "public places" as a symbol of defiance. Just don't get fingerprints on them.