Saturday, October 5, 2013

Attention Marines, old and young.

The future of the USMC: there’s a lot of ‘crushing’ coming.
"The bottom line: a transformation from wartime Corps to peacetime Corps is coming; show is going to be elevated over go; examples are going to start being made."
The comment of the reader who forwarded this link:
My standard Marine Corps line applies here - "Proud to have served, GLAD to be OUT."


Anonymous said...

On first blush, it looks good to me. Amos is of questionable loyalty to the American nation, despite his demonstrated loyalty to the United States, but my own father raised me in accordance with these principles so I'll not dispute them.

Yank lll said...

Based on what I've seen over the years it's past time for anyone who considers themselves and honorable American to leave the service of the government and return to serving the Constitution and the people of this nation. After watching the white house mullah and the congressional traitors in action anything less than getting out will be treason by default.

Dont like that.. tough shit.
Yank lll