Monday, October 7, 2013

ATF tries to block whistleblowing agent’s Fast and Furious book

1st Amendment battle over ‘gun-walking’ expose
LATER: Here's the ACLU announcement and here's the letter.


SWIFT said...

Had the ATF denied the publication of the book on security grounds, they may have had a chance to block Dodson. But, blocking publication because it might harm morale, is much too weak. There may be a positive side to this. B. Toad Jones, believing publication is eminent, may engage in "limited hang-out", by actually doing some house cleaning, as promised. Don't count on it if he uses Holder as an example and plays hardball by stonewalling. It will be interesting to see which way the scum buckets play the game.

Anonymous said...

Well, Agent Dodson is not a "real" 'journalist' now is he?

First Amendment protection may not apply ...right?

Hurt morale at the agency ...No way!

What did they imagine he would write ...a missive of innocence and excuses?

Going to check for the preorder now.

Anonymous said...

Dodson should run as fast as he can away from the ACLU. Say 'no thanks' to their dirty lawyers who keep their enemies closer than their communist friends.

Anonymous said...

The ACLU is now saying they are helping Dodson get his book published. Dodson says it will be published regardless of what the DOJ says.

When you go to any gun show where ATF has a table, stop at the table and tell the agents that John Dodson is your hero.

- Old Greybeard

Ed said...

A letter from the ACLU! Boy, I bet that has the BATFE head honchos shaking! The BATFE is so accustomed to telling others what the law is, that the ACLU letter is incomprehensible to BATFE sensibilities.

Imagine, mere peasants telling the King's men what's what.

Anonymous said...

Knob Creek is coming up soon. Might be a bunch of ATF there looking for "Evil Gun Owners".