Sunday, October 6, 2013

"The thug usurpers of the bureaucracy want to send a message: In today’s America, everything is the gift of the government." All I can say is that I hope the Obamanoids keep this up. They are shoveling their own legitimacy out the window as fast as they can.

National Park Service Blocks Access to Fishing Sites in Montana
"In response to the government shutdown, the National Park Service has erected eight-foot-long concrete barriers to prevent anglers from launching their boats at two fishing access sites along the Bighorn River in Montana, according to a Billings Gazette report."
"Visitors were not happy, and some launched their boats in spite of the barriers. “I don’t think it’s a matter of national security whether the anglers were going to go fishing,” one angler from California said."
Unbelievable: Police prevent drivers from pulling over and viewing Mt. Rushmore.
They think that this is working to their benefit but that's because they believe the American people are all stupid and cannot see that more resources are being used to deny access to these popular places than would have been used absent the "crisis."
LATER: Absurd: Military Priests Not Permitted to Serve Mass Due to Shutdown
Which led to this: "A Call for Civil Disobedience."
And more commentary here: "A monumental mistake" and here: "Manning the Barrycades of punitive liberalism."
The World War II Memorial exists thanks to some $200 million in private donations – plus $15 million or so from Washington: In other words, the feds paid for the grass. But the thug usurpers of the bureaucracy want to send a message: In today’s America, everything is the gift of the government, and exists only at the government’s pleasure, whether it’s your health insurance, your religious liberty, or the monument to your fallen comrades. The Barrycades are such a perfect embodiment of what James Piereson calls “punitive liberalism” they should be tied round Obama’s neck forever, in the way that “ketchup is a vegetable” got hung around Reagan-era Republicans. Alas, the court eunuchs of the Obama media cannot rouse themselves even on behalf of the nation’s elderly warriors.


SWIFT said...

This alleged shutdown should open America's eyes to a few truths. One, the Federal government is too big of a land owner. Two, it exposes Obama's true contempt for the American people. I have to believe he really hates America. Three, we are getting a very small, sugar coated,glimpse of how the praetorian guard will act under martial law. I have read and heard about the outrageous behavior of the "guard" toward our WW2 vets and closing access to the ocean. Think of this expanded, a hundred fold, to get permission to travel, visit a grocery store,(if there is a grocery store) seek sub-standard medical care, armed force to enter your home at will and detention (re-education camps) for just being suspected of dissent. It is not a stretch of imagination to connect today's events, to tomorrow's. Think of it as a practice run.

Anonymous said...

What? No stories about hunting areas being closed off and rangers going out into wilderness to round up those who dare to be hunting? Gee, what's the DIFFERENCE?

They might not fear lead fishing weights and fishing poles but.....another tool and lead combination is OBVIOUSLY causing a different ummmm gameplan.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the clowns and absurdum infinitus.The more stupid and arrogant the socialists act, the more everyone sees of their true colors.

Seeing their true colors play out only wakes up more people and bolsters the move to regain liberty. If the socialists *feel* they have to resort to these kinds of tactics, then we are getting to them.

So a hearty thanks to the socialists/tyrants for waking up more citizens and bolstering our moral.


Anonymous said...

I ran across this link this AM. Hope it isn't true. If you have a GOP rep, contact them and tell them to stay strong. Personally, my Rep is a Dm. I hope she'll fold.

Anonymous said...

This is all just a test of how much tolerance we have for tyranny and we have failed.

Bill St. Clair said...

Sell all federal land. Use the proceeds to pay as much of the debt as possible. Then tear down DC and return it to the swamp it came from. It has no useful purpose.

Anonymous said...

WHERE are the state legislators, the county sheriffs? Where?

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see someone move those barriers and replace them around the White House.