Thursday, October 10, 2013

Advice to Sheila Jackson Lee: Be careful what you wish for, you stupid collectivist harpy. You might get it.

Here the repellent harpies make their nests,
Who drove the Trojans from the Strophades With dire announcements of the coming woe. They have broad wings, a human neck and face,
Clawed feet and swollen, feathered bellies; they caw Their lamentations in the eerie trees.
-- Dante, Inferno, XIII, describing the seventh ring of Hell, where suicides have their punishment.
Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Says “Martial Law” Is Needed To Reopen The Government…
Never heard of the Law of Unintended Consequences, hey? Actually to call her a harpy is an insult to the classical reference and to honest harpies everywhere. No way were their souls as ugly as this collectivist operative.


Anonymous said...

Bless her heart, I'm sure she tries hard, but she's just not smart enough to work through the problem.

What's she going to say when thousands from her power base get jailed or shot for looting, curfew violation, etc. ?

They're going to turn on her and blame her for their problems.

Me, my opinion of her will be unchanged - Low-Intelligence Loudmouth Agitator.

Anonymous said...

Sheila Jackson Lee is an idiot. But was her use of the term "martial law" intended to be an intentional provocation meant to put folks more on edge?

Sean said...

We'll try that, sugar britches, right after the Mars Mission people return, to the 57th State.

Anonymous said...

Martial law puts Obama in control and further suspends the Constitution. Why WOULDN'T she be in favor of that?

William Flatt said...

Guys, I know a bit about the legislative procedure in Congress, and "martial law" is a suspension of the normal procedures for passing legislation. When they can't get past the principled obstructionism of a dissident faction, this allows party leaders to pass legislation illegally while pretending it's legal.

Mike comments still stand. Let'em try; it's still unconstitutional and therefore null and void... which is pretty much everything they do anyway.