Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Technicalities of Treason

'It wasn't pretty, but it got done'
Those supporting Jones' confirmation would have still been one vote short, but Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who'd originally supported her party's filibuster, eventually changed her mind and allowed the nomination to advance. Murkowski was lobbied by members on both sides on the Senate floor, but it was a closed-door chat with Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) that ultimately helped flip Murkowski from a "no" to a "yes."
In the process, the delicate detente on confirmation votes for executive-branch nominees remains intact. The ATF nomination was not formally part of last month's "nuclear option" deal, but Democrats and McCain-led Republicans like the relative peace that's broken out and hope to maintain it for a while.


FedUp said...

If the anti-republicans like McCain, Collins, and Kirk are all in favor of something, that's more than enough reason to vote it down.

SWIFT said...

Obama hasn't done one thing to try to smooth the relationship between Republicans and Democrats. Leaving Rand Paul out of the meeting on surveillance is typical of him. Due to his behavior, republicans should stonewall every Obama agenda item. But no, we have a John McCain in the senate, who consistantly reinforces my belief that Rhinos are more dangerous than left-wing Demos. The Republic is dead.

Anonymous said...

McStain, the it again.

Anonymous said...

They 'like the relative peace' - well fine and dandy - proof positive that they care solely about their own selves and welfare than that of the rest of us mere peasants (my keyboard kept want to type pissants)

Gunny G said...

This Alaskan hates RINO Murkowski. She lied during the primary and said if MIller won, that was that. He kicked her elistist ass and she started a write-in campaign. Add in the Alaska Native Corporation "getting out the vote", and the pig was reelected. You can bet your ass she KNOWS that she is owed that seat for life.

Gunny G said...

Yanklll, the Viets called McShame "Songbird" because he sang like a canary. Cagney would have called him a "stoolie."