Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Difference Between Resilience and “Prepping”

While I agree with Robb's contention that survival is based upon community rather than individuals withdrawing off the grid to await the post-apocalypse, if his resilient community doesn't have arms, a deep ammo dump and a trained militia skilled in their use, they too are set up for a catastrophic failure.


Coyote Vs ACME said...

I see merits in both systems. I think the prepper mindset for more possible "happens tomorrow" thing like a major earthquake, flood, tsunami, ect. is good in having nedded supplies to ride out the chaos for a short while till you can normalize again is perfectly fine. Expecting it to last thru something major like a societial collapse / reboot the other will be needed.

And yes, well armed and stocked in that regard is a must.

The first few months, especially in major urban areas is going to be a warzone of those not ready.

As bad and mean as this sounds, you hope those take care of themselves long before they can come to try to invade your rebuilding community.

Anonymous said...

Actually, this posting was not by John Robb - it was by the new "Admin" of the site. Robb sold the site to Porter Stanberry's outfit at the end of last month - see http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2013/08/rc-update.html

Quick update.

I left resilient communities at the end of July to build something new.

Will keep you updated on what I'm working on. It's going to be amazing.
