Friday, August 16, 2013

Send in the clowns.

The White House Thinks Terrifying Overreaction to Rodeo Clown Appropriate
Now that the White House has weighed in on the incident via an official spokesperson, and their response was to lament on how the incident reflects negatively on the state of Missouri, the only conclusion we are left to draw is that this White House condones the absurdly defensive overreaction. This is what anyone who dares mock the president is due.
This is a disturbing and, frankly, terrifying development. Any classical liberal should be offended at the prospect that a presidential administration would use its considerable leverage to justify the suppression of the right of average citizens to freely mock and deride the political class without the fear of reprisal. Indeed, lampooning and creating caricatures of political figures is a foundational American value. To attack that value is to attack what it means to be a citizen of the republic.


Sean said...

They're just upset, because like the NAACP, depicting King Obongo as a rodeo clown is uncomfortably close to the truth. The sharpest criticisms are from the deepest cuts.

Anonymous said...

I heard a caller on Rush say that "It's NOT the COLOR of Obamas skin, it's how THIN HIS SKIN IS". or words to that effect. O'Bummer is EXTREMELY THIN SKINNED and any comment or joke about him is viewed in the worst way. The dumba$$ just can't take any criticism or jokes. He is a JOKE but the worst part is that the Joke is on the Taxpaying American Citizens. Borat O'Bummer is NOT as smart as he would like for us to think he is, he is DUMBER. Look at what happens when his teleprompter quits working and he does NOT know what his puppetmaster wants him to say.

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Dr. King, apparently "the content of their character" has been replaced by "the color of their skin" in the minds of the NAACP and other liberal orgs. Which only serves to highlight the failings of our first black president. Greeneville, TN's favorite son, Andrew Johnson, may have to take second place as the least effective President. >Jeff

Anonymous said...

There's just so much that one can take before one's head explodes.

This Rodeo Clown event has brought me ever closer to that happening.

Paul X said...

"This is a disturbing and, frankly, terrifying development."

Huh? The president delegitimizing himself is terrifying? To me it's wonderful. What could be better, than when they do it to themselves? How hard would it be to accomplish the same result ourselves? They've handed us yet another propaganda coup for free.