Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sen. Feinstein During 'Shield' Law Debate: 'Real' Journalists Draw Salaries

"From the protection-based-on-exclusivity...-what-a-wonderful-idea dept."


Anonymous said...

Ms Pond Scum Feinstien's head would explode if the population ever defined...a REAL Congress one who ACTUALLY lives up to their Oath. In her case, EPIC FAIL comes to mind..if not treason. The mere fact the 1st Amendment already defines the "press" as a recipient of Freedom of Speech rights reduces her "real journalists draw salaries" to a wave of cacophonous, raucous gut splitting laughter from coast to coast. Every single day, Ms Pond Scum fights to destroy the very document she took an oath to uphold. That is TREASON in my country. Unfortunately.."my" country has now become a Surveillance State with a government run by psychopathic murderers who codify the permanent detainment of US citizens with NO access to "due process" by virtue of the NDAA. This is why "I" have rescinded my Pledge of Allegiance. I don't support psychopaths who lie, steal, and murder innocent human beings by the thousands with impunity. In fact, no one in their "right mind" would support a despot regime such as we have now. Of course..this nation is filled with SubZero IQ imbeciles whose only idea of liberty is the choice of 'merican Idol or the Kardashians on the TEH VEH. And it makes me sick to my stomach.

indyjonesouthere said...

"Real" journalists draw compensation from political parties. Just ask CNN.

Anonymous said...

" Real " Representatives of the people abide by Constitutional law . So what does that make her ?.

Paul X said...

The first amendment is for me but not for thee...

Same old crap, just like when they passed McCain-Feingold (making unregulated campaign speech before an election illegal) - the mainstream media supported that because exceptions were placed in it for them, and it was a good whack at their internet competition.