Friday, August 16, 2013

Presented without comment. New Mexico collectivist anti-firearm zealot dies of complications of infection.

It is reported that Stephen Easley has died. It is further reported that he died of complications from an infection. May God have mercy on his collectivist soul.


Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as a soul. The collectivist bastard is dead, and will be only a bunch of bones in the ground or a bunch of dust in an urn, as the case may be. So, we can rejoice in his death. That's one less enemy of liberty.

My friends, enjoy whatever life you have and to whatever extent you can enjoy it, because this life is all we have. As an old friend once told me many years ago - "When you're dead you're dead".
He performed many autopsies in his career and never encountered a soul. I have come to agree with him now.

- Old Greybeard

Gunny G said...

I rejoice when my enemy is pushing up daisies.

"A dead enemy always smells good."
- Alus Vitellus

III More Than Them said...

Sorry OG, but you're wrong. But that's your right to believe, and I'll not say you should be quiet about it.