Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pile-on after gun class discharge misses key unreported point

It would seem those exploiting this incident to spread the anti-gun hate will need to extend their universal ban to law enforcement, that is, if they wish to maintain any semblance of logical consistency. If they wish to… Does anyone think that will bother them one bit, or that MSN, CNN and other outlets will now be quick to inform their readers and audiences about any “new” information that doesn’t support their "real reporter" agenda?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Along the lines of David's point, I submit that incidents like this demonstrate the facade that is forced- mandated "training" requirements as preconditions for "qualifications" imposed upon the right to bear arms. Examples like this prove that the whole infringement is exactly that a pure abridging of a right meant TRULY to function as a barrier between people and our rights.

The fact is - this can happen to ANYONE no matter how "trained" they are. It depends upon one thing and one thing alone. Whether or not a individual abides by the three simple rules or whether they don't. As demonstrated - training doesn't produce one or the other. For only individual responsibility does so.