Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Keep Bob Wright in your prayers today.

Bob Wright has been a compatriot and friend of mine for almost twenty years now. My favorite Bob anecdote: Back in the 90s he was asked by the FBI SAC from Albuquerque whether he would actually activate his unit and go to the scene of another potential Waco in another state. Bob looked him dead in eye and asked: "Why would I want to do that? There's plenty of you federal sonsabitches around here." This was an angle that the Fibbie had not previously considered and Bob was enunciating an essential truth of militia. We are all strongest on our home turf.
He's going in for some semi-major surgery on his sinuses to help him breathe. (Lord only nose how many times that beak has been broken over the years.) Anyway, Bob's a tough old bird but keep him in your prayers for a successful surgery and a full recovery.


Anonymous said...

The sad part of all of all this crap is that time is on the side of the marxist/progressives as the old guard will eventually pass with a big assist from obamacare (its real purpose) and this country will be populated with the bots who care little about anything other than having something to amuse them. Secession anyone?

Anonymous said...

Prayers outbound.
Devildog in Colorful Commierado

MamaLiberty said...

Will do, Mike. There's always room for one more on my prayer wheel. :)

Hope you are doing better too. Does the doctor have some stronger glue maybe?

Just can't understand why they don't simply suture the thing shut. I've seen a lot of fissure repairs, and none are easy... but they are possible.

Anonymous said...

I wish him the best....I hear that packing your nose with the gauze after sinus surgery (and taking it out) is incredibly painful.

Hopefully they are using the newer expanding foam to pack his sinuses for this surgery.

Good luck to him and I wish him a speedy recovery.

BTW, I often quote Bob on his famous statement about future Wacos as well....it's one of the best. :)

luagha said...

I had this procedure just a few months ago; I'm told it's come a long way and the recovery is much faster than it used to be. I had good fortune with it and I hope he does too.

(His doctor should tell him how to use the 'Neilmed' nasal rinses when the time comes.)