Friday, August 16, 2013

Dead Elephant Party Hacks Freaking Out.

Eve of Destruction.
It is almost impossible to find an establishment Republican in town who’s not downright morose about the 2013 that has been and is about to be. Most dance around it in public, but they see this year as a disaster in the making, even if most elected Republicans don’t know it or admit it.


Anonymous said...


Establishment Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin: statist/socialist rule by the elite class.

If the GOP doesn't recognize this and change their focus to one of valuing the rule of law and individual liberty—and there is no indication they will—then GOP victory is only slightly less worse in the short term then a Democrat victory, and equally devastating in the long term.

And perhaps the greater destruction of a continued Democrat regime is what is needed to wake sufficient Americans up to enable real change.

Anonymous said...

They won't get my vote by pandering to particular sectors of the masses... How's about displaying some integrity? Is that too much to ask?


FedUp said...

Good old Politburo, I mean Politico.
"Prominent Republicans are worried about how best to suck up to groups that will never vote for them"

Unfortunately, they might be accurate in their reporting. It would explain the actions of the RINOs who seem to be in charge of GOP strategy.

If the Rs really want to become relevant again, they'll have to quit turning off conservative and libertarian voters.

How to get the conservative vote:
Comprehensive Immigration Reform, by bringing our immigration laws in line with Mexico's.

La Raza and ex-president Felipe Calderón get plenty of media sympathy for their accusation that USA immigration laws are racist. We can solve this problem by changing our laws so that we deal with illegal immigrants in the same gentle, non-racist fashion that Mexico deals with their illegals.

After all, what could be fairer than treating Mexican illegals the same way Mexico treats Guatemalan illegals?

If such a bill passed the House, 200 million Americans would stand up and cheer, and the Dems would have to give up on their illegal alien incentive plan for another year.

Paul X said...

Remember that old article, "Smith & Wesson Must Die"?

The logic applies as well to political parties.

I don't care which political party dies, as long as one of them does. Then we can get past this fantasy of 2-party government and see reality as it truly is.