Saturday, August 3, 2013

Another country heard from.

Corrupt, racist congressman graces us all with his opinion. Charlie Rangel: Tea Party Is ‘Same Group’ Of ‘White Crackers’ Who Fought Civil Rights


Frederick H Watkins said...

I just looked up Civil Rights Act of 1964 on the Wikipedia and I was a little surprised to see that the Congressional vote counts were overwhelmingly supportive of the Act by both parties. There were some holdouts, mostly from the South and by both Parties. Also some of the NO votes were also cast by Dems and Repubs from the Northern states. Of course the vote count doesn't say anything about the rhetoric that I'm sure was all over the issue but, I believe it can put to rest the false assumption by Rangel that Republicans of the Tea Party Stripe are the enemy of the Black Race. It also corrected my belief that more Democrats stood in the way of the Act as actually did. What one can take away from this is that it is still not wise to take a politicians word on anything.

Anonymous said...

Ironic that calling constituents "white crackers" isn't racist in the slightest...yet reverse the situation and you'd have a congressman forced to resign and death threats in throngs.

Anonymous said...

What Rangel won't admit, or doesn't know, is that many of the crackers who fought civil rights legislation were DEMOCRATS!

- Old Greybeard

P.S. Rangel, I know some black people who attend Tea Party rallies and are sometimes the featured on-stage speakers! I guess we will have to coin a new definition for "cracker".

Dakota said...

Another asshole lib that can say whatever with no consequences. He is as irrelevant as he can be.

Just another lib doing the "party" bidding in starting a race war. They are getting so obvious it would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Rangel!


Now there's a real role model for the youth of America!