Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Will Tyranny Ever Come to America?

A people that does not fear government oppression is not a free people. It is a subject people. A people that believes that the government somehow invariably guards rights is not an American people — it is a Rousseauian rabble prepared to accept the yoke of tyranny. God gave us rights. The Founders gave us a messy system of government to allow the government to protect those rights while preventing the government from usurping them. Worshiping government achieves neither of those purposes.


Scott J said...

It's already here. Co-worker and I were discussing how involved it might be to start into the business of manufacturing .22 LR since it's the most short these days.

He ran down a whole list of headaches such as environmental studies that would probably tie us up in red tape for a year.

So much for free enterprise.

Pointy End Out said...


Lori said...

When government fears the people...or, will that ever happen again?

Anonymous said...

"Are you folks ready to order? You both are having the Tyranny? Excellent choice if I may say so. Will you be having the (D) Tyranny or the (R) Tyrrany? Very good, Sirs! One (D) Tyranny and one (R) Tyranny. I'll get your order to the kitchen immediately!"

Anonymous said...

Government and the media own the country now and will bend it to their Marxist will. They will never give it back.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "will"? It has been here since the Franklin Roosevelt presidency.