Friday, May 17, 2013

Something tells me paintball just ain't gonna get it.

Steyn warns of ‘serious secession movements’ if drift toward socialism not reversed.
“I think you’re right there,” Steyn said. “The idea that all 50 states are going to be content to slide off the cliff in a kind of haze and a drone of sort of soporific princess fluffy-bunny socialism is completely false. I mean, there will be — you’re going to have serious secession movements if some of this stuff isn’t turned around, not just in Texas.”
“It would appear at times when civil war might be inevitable,” Miller replied. “Why don’t we get together right now and agree to do it by paintball so nobody gets hurt. Why don’t we just have a big liberal-conservative — meet at the Mississippi and have a big paintball game so we can get this figured out?”


Happy D said...

May I suggest an alternative?

How about all the Socialist inclined move to Britain and Canada.
All the freedom inclined move to the United States.
That way we do not have to kill them out.

Anonymous said...

"Paintball"??? Spoken like a true coward.

Here's a tip for you communists: if you don't want hardworking pissed-off patriotic Americans shooting at you with lead bullets, cut the crap. Freedom or death - and that works both ways.

Anonymous said...

Don't bring a paintball gun to a real gun fight.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash: Leftists don't do paintball either. Splashes of paint on your opponent might damage their self esteem dontchaknow!

rexxhead said...

Secession? If anything can trigger it, gun control can.

William Flatt said...

If these idiots wanna bring a paintball gun to a civil war, let'em. I'm still bringing my AR-15. Then we'll see who wins.

Allen said...

paintball? really?

you can't play paintball with someone who has no honor or honesty.

they'd be scotchgaurding everything so much water will bead up at 20 paces, and "tactical paint checks" with bought-off referees would be the rule.

MI-copperhead said...

"Don't bring a paintball gun to a real gun fight."
Unless your a collectivist, then, by all means bring one. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy paintball, but if it comes down to a civil war (God on High forbid), then our business is killing the enemy, not sorting it out in a fair fight. While they're out playing games, I'll be slitting throats.