Monday, May 13, 2013

So, is the fix in already?

Republican expects more Benghazi 'whistle blowers'
McCain called for a select congressional committee with a mandate to interview "everybody," including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has already testified before Congress on the matter and accepted responsibility for the tragedy.
But McCain's call was brushed off by fellow Republican Representative Darrell Issa, who chairs the House of Representatives Oversight and Government committee that heard from Hicks last week.
"You know, let's not blow things out of proportion. This is a failure, it needs to be investigated. Our committee can investigate," Issa said.
After Fast and Furious, I'd say the odds are even money either way.


Mt Top Patriot said...


Now what do you suppose took this collection of treasonous son of a bitches so long to organize this circus?

They all have to have time to cover their arses, compare notes, figure how to spin and extrapolate this debacle, so they all have an opportunity to come up smelling like roses.

Besides, no one in this entire government, not a single person, is guilty of treason, or murder, or conspiracy, or various high crimes, or even a lowly felony, never mind worthy of impeachment, or even heaven forbid, moral bankruptcy.

They all took notes from what happened to Nixon. You know Nixon's impeachment was legally based on using the IRS to shakedown his competition. Obama and Hillary used murder.


I mean, after all what does it matter?

The rule of law is such a foreign concept to these clowns they live in an entirely separate country.

That four American's where murdered in the cause of the long march of the Marxist collection of power?

Ah that's just warming up for these tyrants.

In that light, we got a nasty little pickle smooching radical chic commie loving Islamist usurper in that big white house. Surrounded by a court of red diaper babies all itchin' to emulate the infamous Marxist and fascist perpetrators of genocide the 20th century is known for. Hey, killing to advance the agenda is par for the course. Murder, getting away with it is the ultimate thrill for these psychopaths. Think of the personal power this brings to one, to take life in the name of a better cause. For these megalomaniacs it is the highest calling and the ultimate status symbol you belong to a select few who not just get away with it, but enable this tyranny to prosper.

In regards to that circus of spineless useful idiots called congress, what else is one to expect from all that morally corrupt scum in that cesspool on the Potomac?

You know where this is all going to lead?
It is going to lead to rubbing our noses in the omnipotence of their power. The Amerikan Nomenklaturer is probably already laughing in our faces.

A bad idea predicated on the law of unintended consequences.

Anonymous said...

Come on! This is what they do for a living!

Is the fix in? Is the Pope catholic?

Anonymous said...

All of these "investigations" are for show. They give the appearance to those who have not followed the results, that repubs are doing something to right a wrong committed by the dems. Sham, sham, sham....all the way back to Waco and probably long before that too.


Anonymous said...

I like Darrell Issa, but I hope he doesn't let something as petty as ego obstruct an important investigation.

Meanwhile, John Boehner just can't seem to manage pulling his head out of his ass for some reason. Only an idiot in the truest sense of the word would still believe Obama, Reid, or Pelosi have any other interest than themselves and their hard-left agenda. Of course Joe Biden is but an irrelevant joke, and the only person who hasn't gotten the joke yet is Joe himself. Uncle Joe thinks he's going to get the Democratic nomination in 2016. A more realistic expectation is that tomorrow, I'll discover the ability to pull golden eggs from my ass.

A select committee is needed on Benghazi, the IRS harrassment, and the AP phone snooping. This is too important to be left in the hands of an "oversight" committee, half of which is comprised of a semi-circle jerk of boobs like Cummings, Clay, Norton, and Maloney.

Will all due respect to House Speaker Boehner - this country is in serious trouble, and it's time to cut the fucking bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Re:Anonymous at 8:52;Isn't the select committee composed of the same sort of idiots,(just rearranged)as Issa'a committee?Sorry,but I don't trust any of them to do the right thing anymore.There's less than 100 people in DC who care about right and wrong,the rest are about as fickle as movie stars,they change their story according to who's listening and whether it's an election year or not.We need term limits-or more rope.

Anonymous said...