Wednesday, May 15, 2013

'Printed' guns, the interstate commerce clause, and the Tenth Amendment

As long as every aspect of citizens' lives is ruled to "affect interstate commerce," there is no legal recourse against Congressional usurpation of powers to which it has no legitimate claim. Without legal recourse, the only remaining option is far messier. But if it's all that is left to us . . .


Ashrak said...

I am not a state. I am not a foreign power. I am not a Indian tribe. The Constitution does NOT give government the authority to regulate commerce among the PEOPLE of the several states. It gives government authority to regulate STATE to STATE commerce - as in state government to state government.

There can be NO SUCH THING as a PRIVATE TWO PARTY CONTRACT if the government is endlessly injected as a THIRD party regulator. Thus, the enumerated power of the JUDICIARY to settle two party private contract disputes would be moot - for such a thing wouldn't exist.

The judiciary amended the Constitution from the bench. Robed kings dictated - unconstitutionally! There is no such thing as interstate commerce control or affecting interstate commerce. It's a lie. It's a FABRICATION.

Had the framers MEANT regulate commerce among the people they would have written among the people! They DIDN'T!!! Cuz they meant no such thing.

Had the NRA not fugged up McDonald by worming in we would have attained a STRAIGHT up P and I Incorporation and that would have destroyed not only the bogus doctrine of Selective incorporation itself but also the reprehensible and unconstitutional Slaughterhouse precedent that has facilitated today's unconstitutional governance.

Trade is an economic freedom that patriots are to engage in FREELY as a matter of INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY. Personal choice. Private two party contracts absent government interference is a property right. Trade, commerce, between Citizens is a RIGHT and its usurpation must end!!

William Flatt said...

No interstate + no commerce = no interstate commerce!

If I download gun-making blueprints from the internet for free, there is no commerce. If I use those blueprints to make a gun for my personal use, there is no commerce. IF I sell it to another individual who is a fellow state citizen within our home state, there no no interstate commerce, just commerce. If my state has passed the model Firearms Freedom Act in pursuance to the 10th Amendment, the feds can't touch my commerce no matter what!

It's so simple that even a caveman can understand it - which proves that the politicians & bureaucrats in DC are all unorganized lumps of amphibian sh!t...