Friday, May 10, 2013

Police chief petitions anti-gun Senators for help with ammo shortage they helped create.

Proctor Chief Turns to Citizens During Ammo Shortage
The Chief says he still has ammunition on order and will be repaying the citizens for their contributions when the department is able to. He also sent in a request to Senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for help regarding their ammunition shortage.


Anonymous said...

This might be a strategy worth investigating in communities where the police departments are still loyal to the Statists. Perhaps if the police become dependent upon citizens for supplies instead of the Big Sis and the Department if Homepand Insecurity, we'll have valuable allies when SHTF. Of course each community will have to vet their local LEOs first to find out if they have no wualms biting the hand that feeds them when Dear Leader gives te order.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight - now gun owners control the supply of ammo to LEOs.

That has to be an unintended consequence!


Anonymous said...

I would have to vet the department. I would hate to be reponsible for any of my ammo "falling into the wrong hands". I'd also insist that they renew their oath, in writing, in front of a notary.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give them empty brass. The Supreme Court already ruled that law enforcement has no duty to protect us. Why would I "donate" ammo, that I have in reserve to defend myself and my family, to people who have no duty to protect me or my family?
Goventment created this pile of shit, now let them wallow in it.


Anonymous said...

GOD, this is a hard one to figure out!

Government makes it hard for police to get ammo.

Police become concerned aren't able to practice and become increasingly endangered.

Police eventually receive ammo care packages from government and are elated and pledge undying support to their benefactors...

That about right?

Anonymous said...

Surrreee. . . . I'll sell you some of my ammo. For twice its weight in silver. Maybe.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

I,m sorry, but I wouldn't be donating anything to any PoPO entity. I can defend myself, and if they can't get bullets for their war weapons that shouldn't be on our streets then they can hit up the DHS for a loan. Otherwise GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Paul Paver Jr.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't "loan" ammo to ANY part of government, even my local law enforcement. Oops, a shortage of ammo might encourage them to use tasers more. I believe law enforcement should not be allowed to have tasers. They're potentially just as deadly as the use of firearms. Look at the history of many people who have died after being tasered. I think the cops should be trained better to use matrial arts to control a person without the use of a taser. I would rather see them use a baton than a taser.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

hahahaah i wouldnt give them the brass shavings from my case length prep tool


Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous at 7:08
It's there problem. They owe us nothing, so why should we owe them?
Besides, they'd likely use it against us when they come to get the rest.
Screw 'em!
I'm not giving up anything.

Anonymous said...

I have a few LEO friends . I have no problem with them coming to the range with me and shooting ( using some of my ammo) . But I will not donate ANY to any of the law enforcement agencies .

Anonymous said...

To Hell with that.. let them shoot paintballs.. or better yet let them yank on their peckers.

Like they supply anyone else but their own.. anyone supplying them is trying to buy favors..

Yank lll

Anonymous said...

I wish to amend my previous statement.
I MAY sell them some of my ammo. For ten times its weight -- in gold. Maybe. And it MAY just be the odd stuff, like M-N 7.62x54R. Maybe.

B Woodman