Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Incredible. I'd have shot the sonsabitches with my undeclared concealed pistol.

Gunfire and moments of fear as a rural Oregon school tests its readiness.
Two masked men wearing hoodies and wielding handguns burst into the Pine Eagle Charter School in this tiny rural community on Friday. Students were at home for an in-service day, so the gunmen headed into a meeting room full of teachers and opened fire.
Someone figured out in a few seconds that the bullets were not drawing blood because they were blanks and the exercise was a drill, designed to test Pine Eagle's preparation for an assault by "active shooters" who were, in reality, members of the school staff. But those few seconds left everybody plenty scared.


Anonymous said...

Had I seen the "masked men" walking into that school I can promise you that I would have killed them. I keep a rife behind the truck seat and a .357 in the glove box. That may be the most stooped thing I have ever read.

Anonymous said...

How efg stupid. Utterly, positively, stupid. Good way to get someone killed.
These 'attackers' should be prosecuted for assault and weapons violations. Weapons violations with intent to do harm, not necessarily the school grounds violation. Scaring the living crap out of someone IS harm.

This kind of activity proves nothing and gains nothing.


William Flatt said...

This is what passes for police training nowadays: conditioning future victims and engaging in psychological terrorism!

I'm also willing to bet that the 'victim participants' were not told what day the drill was going to be done, and the 'shooters' probably used 'Simunitions' brand LEO paint markers and cartridges (looks exactly like real guns and spits out empty brass, but fires 6mm paintballs). Likely a high percentage of people went home to change their underwear.

There is a right way, time, and place to train for an 'active shooter' scenario but from what I read, this was not it. At the least, it was operant conditioning and at worst it was psychological terrorism to inculcate an attitude against guns in school staff!

The Israeli method to school security is the only one that works in the modern world; you train every willing staffer in combat handgun tactics regularly as if it were a school sport for adults, with the difference that the 1st place winners get sent home and the runners-up get a toe tag. The hadji's don't try to shoot up Israeli schoolyards anymore, not since the teachers were armed with Uzis.

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. People had better learn the new 'new math' soon before their number, or their kid's, comes up.

Anonymous said...

That idiocy is just begging for lawsuits for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Some smart lawyer is going to make a fortune.

And, yes, these people are very lucky that no one shot these morons.

Anonymous said...

Concealed means concealed.

Until it's needed.

Anonymous said...

Life lessons NOT learned. From BOTH sides. Stupidity on steroids.

B Woodman

Jimmy the Saint said...

Seems a lot like those assemblies that schools did in the 80s-90s where National Guardsmen would show up in full battle rattle, pretending to be soldiers from Soviet-style power, and "take over" the school. Supposedly, it was to teach kids that totalitarian states are bad.

Jimmy the Saint said...

Aren't schools supposed to be "zero tolerance" on guns? Looks like some felony charges are needed for all willing participants.

Use their own laws agin' 'em.