Thursday, May 2, 2013

And speaking of dumb (but malevolent) cops . . . Enter the Thought Police, Department of Pre-Thought Crime.

Palm Beach County sheriff gets $1 million for violence prevention unit amid questions about civil liberties, care for mentally ill
We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him,” Bradshaw said. “What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’ ”


Anonymous said...

Can you see some neighbors having "just retribution" issues after they report their neighbor?
My parents always taught us to mind our own business.
The Department of Pre-Crime comes to fruition.
I hear war drums in the distance.
Be prepared and be safe my friends.

Anonymous said...

The best way to counter this is to flood the thought police with so much false information that they cannot do their job.

rexxhead said...

I wonder how this will dovetail with all 67 Florida sheriffs vowing not to enforce new gun control laws?

Maybe like Pinellas county's sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, he "supports the 2nd amendment but".

Anonymous said...

Trust this guy like you trust Satan.

Hey Rick; what's with that air fleet you've been quietly acquiring, and all those daily joy rides over the county with those heavy Bell's? Like those IR designators do ya?

Hey Rick; what about that stuff that disappears from the property room and then re-appears on suspects for some trumped up charges?

Anyone is free to dig a bit and find all kinds of sweet stuff about this dirt bag and his operation.

Youbetcha lads, this crew is definitely about asking you how you feel today...

Ashrak said...

Shirley Allen.

Oh and "shelter in place" too.

Nah, nothing wrong at all with that, Mr Mayor.
Sheesh. Me thinks he's acting "stupidly".

Kevin Wilmeth said...

“What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’”

Oh, maybe nothing...but that's only if they have any intention of knocking at all.

Anonymous said...

SOOO....We are gonna go to somebody's house without a warrant kick in the door, so we can "talk". Take him away ,without valid charge, confiscate them EVIL guns Them EVIL "bullets" and them EVIL Bibles, all on the word of an "Anonymous Concerned Citizen" Who can never EVER be named, to "protect the public" Well Mike If this isn't a fort Sumter /Waco / Ruby ridge attack then nothing will ever be. Time for all you "patriots" to put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if a Gadsden Flag merits a visit from the Cylons.