Wednesday, April 3, 2013

There is a serious and a (perhaps) not-so-serious answer to this collectivist moke's straw man question.

"Conservatives say armed citizens are an essential guard against government tyranny. They also support massive military spending. How is that supposed to work?"
This is, of course, a simplistic straw man question, because there are many, many 2nd Amendment advocates who are suspicious, as were the Founders, of empowering standing armies. That answer to this collectivist moke would take a while. I prefer my initial reaction:
"Because it is our kids who are serving in the tip-of-the-spear outfits, you moron. Issue the orders for weapons confiscation and see which way some of those weapons are pointed."


Anonymous said...

Hear hear. Bravo! Hip hip hooray!

Morons is a massive understatement.

They have NO idea what their Master really has in mind for us. In light of all the usurpations to come out of the last 50 years of USG expansion, we are on the verge of seeing the most heinous of all. Yesterday, Obomination declared he is authorizing massive funding for studying the brain. Within his speech, he mentioned a few of the health issues this undertaking's success will address. He lies. Again.
Back here in reality land, there is living proof where the USG want's to take this. Simple. FMRI. They've already funded FMRI research..and the scientists are on the verge of a breakthrough. For those who scoff, watch this presentation, and see who laughs last. This is NO JOKE. Welcome to the REAL Orwellian soon to come future. And I DO mean soon.

Still don't believe?

Pre-crime detection is not fiction anymore. Give it 10 yrs or less. You won't wanna be alive.
I've been saying this for 5 years. The digital revolution we've watched unfold for 20yrs, WILL come back to bite us in the ass.

bubba said...

If they go ahead and order our children to shoot us and/or confiscate our property they'll then have a complete and very different understanding of reality than they have now. When I was in the service forty years ago we were drilled on the constitutionality of orders. It has always been a liberal's wet dream to have the power of the military at their disposal to subjugate their supposed enemies - us. It won't work out the way they think it will, and neither will we sit idly by waiting for it to happen. We know who will come for us, we know who will be sending them and we know who voted to do it to us. Those Americans who refuse to defend their Property or their Life deserve neither.

Anonymous said...

"A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home."
-James Madison

"This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty... The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Whenever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction."
-St. George Tucker,Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (1803)

Here is the problem as explained above by two of the greatest minds who helped to found this nation.

It is a combination of a standing military,which is by legislative fiat growing to encompass the internal police forces of this nation,what with all the cross training and military surplus weapons and gear being funneled to the police,and the military itself being involved in policing tasks such as we have seen with the "war on drugs".

Along with an overgrown executive,which has bestowed upon itself,or had a complicit congress bestow upon it,many powers not originally vested it by the Constitution; including the power to ignore due process and murder American citizens that which that office,itself,has deemed "enemies of the state".

Couple this with the demand for "gun control" - for the increasing disparity in force between the government and the citizen militia.

Individual liberty cannot be said to exist where government demands obedience at gunpoint and instills fear among the populace with its demands the individual to "obey or else".

"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"
-Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

Bubba, They still cant comprehend why, in the immediate surge of all these gun ban laws, so many law abiding citizens would spend so much money on a product that will be illegal in the future. And that's a simple matter! What else do you think they have missed Brother?

It's all a matter of comprehension, and they aint doing it!

bubba said...

One thing they've missed is the gross amount of ammunition (and material) that have been purchsed over the last five years. Government purchases have remained mostly stable but civilian purchases have tripled.

William Flatt said...

Mike has a point. No one with kids in the military wants their chances of coming home diminished by budget cuts, but then, spending's never been about protecting the force. But Tierney's article conflates the voting record of GOP politicians for the pseudo-intellectual gratification of the libtard cheerleading squad.

Never mind the fact that most conservatives outside the beltway want smaller government across-the-board, including the military. Now, as in 1787, Americans understand the dangers of having a standing army... both to domestic liberty as well as foreign misadventures.

Never mind the fact that in a military whose budget is greater than all other nations COMBINED, all those billions go to outfits like Halliburton rather than to the improvement of protective gear for the troops.

Never mind the fact that the DoD has gummed up the works many times, using an R&D/procurement process so arcane that it initially rejected Eugene Stoner's famous AR-10/AR-15 design, then adopted the design but ordered rifles lacking the necessary chrome lining essential to the rifle's proper functioning... and issued these inferior rifles WITHOUT cleaning kits to the troops in 'Nam, and THEN lied to them saying "This new rifle is self cleaning"...

Then there was the body armor controversy 5 years ago, where the military waged an infowar against a new scalar armor system that outperformed the issued body armor. The military rigged the tests to show better performance to the system that the DoD preferred, and the testing was done under strict secrecy so the public would become unaware of the nonscientific and biased nature of the 'testing'.

Then there's the matter of patrolling an insurgent-infested country with Humvees that were never designed to withstand an IED attack. Up-armored hummers found their way into the theater of operations, slowly. Slower still was the deployment of MRAP mine resistant armored personnel vehicles. Documents show that the Pentagon was aware that roadside IED's and VBIED attacks would become the primary tool of the insurgents, but this information was suppressed... at a time when MRAPs could have been rushed into production, which would have saved more lives. But the too little too late approach was quite financially enriching to the defense contractors, even though that was at the expense of hundreds of soldiers' lives!

In the end, history confirms there's no problem with having limited government & fiscally conservative defense spending: being forced to work within a budget enforces frugality, promotes efficiency, and prevents the sort of bureaucratic waste that comes from having unlimited funds as we have seen our military use since 9/11.

I know of no patriot promoting unlimited military spending. However, many freedom activists I know are strong advocates of SMART spending. Returning to a state militia system as outlined in "The Swiss Report" (Western Goals Foundation) would give us efficiency of scale without the need for a bloated defense establishment.

But government today is so out of control that Obama's creating a new standing army that is essentially a paramilitary internal security police force. This standing army is a direct consequence of congenital overspending and a plan laid out in State Dept. Publication 7277.

But nobody is rooting for the use of heavily weaponized drones over our neighborhoods. No one is rooting for, as Anon @ 9:33am mentioned, the use of sci-tech weapons of control, weapons too numerous to list here.

So now we see that the straw man argument Tierney offers is unsupportable and relies on the relative ignorance of the reader to be credulous. Since Mr. Tierney is working to keep the left-wing crowd well-supplied with koolaid - rather than educating them and explaining the logic of conservatives - he keeps them ignorant and divided from their fellow Americans. Add him to the long list of those who will be held responsible on the day of settling accounts!