Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Well, this came as somewhat of a surprise.

'Three Percenters' founder: Wrong to discipline Jersey City police officers.
A group of Jersey City police officers should not have been disciplined for being a part of the "Three Percenters" movement, one of the movement's founders said this morning.
In a brief telephone interview from Tennessee, Michael Graham said that he believes the officers have a right to have their own political beliefs -- and in fact that there are many police, firefighters and veterans among the "three percenters."
Apparently "one of the founders" refers to this Facebook page. I guess it was a mistake not to do Facebook, as much as I despise it.


Anonymous said...

Two ways to look at it. One is that copying is the sincerest form of flattery. Two is we take him out in the woods and kick the shit out of him. I want the beer concession if you ask for help with number two.

Unknown said...

You should use the system against itself. Lots of people use it. So you can sprinkle some of your wise thought in there. Lots of people are starting to be wise to the powers that be because they see that what their friend are telling them is starting to come to fruition.

Ashrak said...

Think it through.

This is an effort to see dissent and create infighting so that the defeats gun control is experiencing can be turned into something else. Look at it this way what's better? One man getting all the credit for a founding or thousands even tend of thousands getting credit for doing so. ;)

A "copyright" or "patent" fight is not important. Cowitnessing the REAL target - enemies of freedom- is. Don't take the diversionary bait Mike. Don't give the antis the story called "dissent breaking apart the the Liberty movement". Smile wide knowing that the three percent is GROWING to the point that the antis can't even understand the roots much less how to defeat it.

David Forward said...

Facebook is as good or bad as you make it. It's only intrusive if you post info that is unwise to reveal in the first place.

It's a very effective tool for expressing a point of view to a lot of people who would normally be outside one's sphere of influence. Although it's a minor pain in the ass to have to clean off moonbat drooling and comments meant only to demean, the ad hominem attacks and juvenile sarcasm, it's nice to see things originating on my FB page get copied and spread around -- it means my viewpoint, my message is being spread.

Anonymous said...


I'm not a real advocate of FB, but it does give you a better picture of who's out there in your area to help and the most up to date news. About posting OPSEC or PERSEC posts, I wouldn't. Use their own network against them, keep 'em guessing. Facebook definitely has it's place.

Paul Paver III

Anonymous said...

I don't mind that the JCPD are members of the III% community. But if you takes the king's geld, then you dance to the king's music. And if that means NO unapproved patches on the uniforms, then so be it. The military has same/similar rules about approved & unapproved patches on their uniforms. That doesn't mean that you can't be a III-per member, it just means that you can't display it at work. What you display, and who you associate with (including fellow co-worker III-pers), on your own time is up to you.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what one little blog can do? ;)

Sanders said...

Never heard of Michael Graham until this article.

Peter said...

III% founder?

Hell, I'm the guy who suggested "Sipsey Street Irregulars" to you in the comments section at David's place, and I certainly don't claim that I'm some sort of "founder".

Some folks...

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't remember ever seeing credit to your work on that page.

David Forward said...

Michael Graham isn't claiming to be one of the founders of the III% "movement" on a national level, but only one of three founding members of their own Three Percenter Club.

If you read their "About" on their FB page that's fairly obvious. They're not claiming any credit for establishing a national movement.

Curtis said...

Oh hell. Did anyone go through that facebook page? I didn't know the neocons had their own III percent club.

Anonymous said...

Don't let it bother you Mike, we all know the deal.

Besides, my friend Al invented the internet and never got credit!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Graham said...

Mr. Vanderboegh, I want to make it very clear that I did not tell the Jersey Journal reporter that I was the founder of the III% movement nor have I ever. I said I was the founder of the Three Percenter Club page on fb in which he mentioned in his article. Nowhere at anytime have I or any of my admins stated on The Three Percenter Club that I, or we were the founders. My page is simply to educate people on what's going on in this country. My admins and myself have represented the III% movement with honor and integrity. As for the reporter he left out a lot of things, example, I didn't say we believe in the government, I said we believe in the government our founders intended for us to have...funny how he left that part out the interview. I don't believe it was just about patches, I believe it was about much more. I think the officers might have openly stated that they would not support any unconstitutional gun laws, or they would not aide in disarming Americans and that's what their police chief wanted to nip in the bud. When I brought this up to the reporter he dismissed it...he didn't want to dig further and get to the truth and when I called him on it he got agitated. I'm not surprised about how he portrayed the movement or me. He had his mind made up the minute he wrote the original article and the update with my response...but again, I never said nor have I ever said I was the founder of the III%. .

Anonymous said...

My dad once told me about the late Ted Williams relationship with the press. Apparently he had been misquoted and spun so many times he told the press in the future they would quote every last word he said vebatim from start to finish or they would not quote him at all.

I personally have been to city council meetings and then later watched the TV coverage and wondered if the reporter and I had been in the same room.

Anonymous said...

The sad truth is that we have to get our message out so we have to rely on the media at some point to get that message out. But what's the point when they take our comments out of context and blatantly lie and refuse to report the truth. Real Unbiased Journalism no longer exist.