Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The tyrant's appetite is always insatiable.

Illinois Congresswoman says handgun bans are next
Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Janice Schakowsky wants to make one thing very clear … the attempt to ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ is only the beginning of the planned attack on the Second Amendment.
Schakowsky made these comments to a reporter at the One Billion Rising Women’s Rights Rally in February.
Referring to the Sandy Hook tragedy as “a moment of opportunity,” Schakowsky went on to say that “everything [is] on the table … There’s no question about it. We’re on a roll now, and I think we’ve got to … push as hard as we can and as far as we can.”
When pressed on exactly what that meant, Schakowsky noted that her choice for the next ban would be handguns, followed by allowing individual communities to deny Second Amendment rights to those who live or travel within their boundaries.


Ashrak said...

Democrats here in Illinois think federal court orders are "advisory". Federal incorporation is not seen by them as meaningful. They ignore federal preemption thinking that avoiding state statute preempting home rule allows them to ignore the Second Amendment at the local level

The NRA obviously believes this as well. It's lobbyist here, Todd Vandermyde, tells people that they must support a carry law containing preemption at the state level because all the municipalities will adopt their own gun banning policies and carrying policies.

However, the reality of the contrivance known as selective incorporation doctrine is that once this robed king law is handed down by ruling- it applies to all governments from federal all the way down to dog catcher.

It's sad to watch the NRA mislead people so outwardly.
Instead of standing firm and opposing the creation of a permission slip structure it scares its own supporters into supporting what is a gun control bill.

Instead of calling Chicagos bluff, Oak Parks bluff, and telling them their local hodgepodge of bans won't pass muster any more than their statewide ban stood, the NRA cons people into defeating the best weapon we have against the very government infringements it claims donations to "stand and fight". .

The NRA is today offering jan and her ilk a couple steps in the gun control dance. It's not fighting onerous restrictions and poll taxes and pre qualifiers- it's offering them along with a whole host of other infringements.

It's as if the NRA is on Jan's side. It's position is most certainly closer to hers than it is to REAL defenders of the Second Amendment.

William V Wood said...

Jan honey, ya need to be aware that there are those who will push back. This push will not be a gentle little nudge but a full out put you through a brick wall shove, kinda hard on the bode babe.
As for you Mr. Mike, you and yours are in our prayers.

Ed said...

The question to ask is, how many former Governors of Illinois since 1972 have been convicted and imprisoned for not following laws?

Read the link following to learn the answer to this question and other fun trivia:


Do I see signs of a "cultural" problem?