Thursday, March 14, 2013

The LA Times would be more comfortable if we were all rounded up.

‘Patriots’ among us.
William Grigg responds: Only An Incipient "Terrorist" Denounces State Murder
I'll have my own response later. Right now I have to go down to the gas company again and renegotiate the last negotiation.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I had to say something here. The Slut Lake Tribunal is the most vile and loathsome pile of dog $hit that has ever disgraced our valley.

They are nothing but the red-headed step child of the NY/LA Times and the even more vile Pat Bagley is it's lead commie pretend-political cartoonist.

They ABSOLUTELY DO NOT in any way, shape or form represent the views of the people of the State of Utah.

Anonymous said...

A boycott of the newspaper would be it's demise. They can't survive without folks buying their rag.
The Rocky Mountain News lost out to the Denver Post. The Post survives because of the leftist money continuing to buy their paper. I stopped giving them money years ago when they stopped accepting firearm for sale ads. Now, I hear they accept them. I don't know as they have never received another dime from me.

Anonymous said...

Yankees Eat Babies ! , Huns Murder women and children ! , Slap a Jap in the yap for attacking uncle Sammy !. This is called " dehumanizing the enemy " and is one of the oldest trick`s in the book when trying to convince the masses to support questionable state sponsored murder. Will it work here ?.............

GA Patriot said...

Reading the hateful and vile responses containing wishes for the extermination of "right wingers", I am filled with more and more certainty that we cannot coexist with the Progressives. We truly are two separate people occupying the same country. This will not end well.

1NCCCH said...

Clearly, their fear factor is not yet great enough to constrain what spews from Der LA Sturmer's collective pie hole. How brave they are. Julius Streicher would be so proud!

Anonymous said...

" Never forget: A "conspiracy theorist" is someone who notices things without official permission -- and a "terrorist" is anybody who challenges the government's monopoly on violence. "

Well said Mr Grigg.


Anonymous said...

I want to point something very important out.

The people who wrote this toned down what they really believe. They must have. And they aren't the worst of the worst. They and their ilk are almost literally salivating at the prospect of no shit exterminating you. Not in some metaphorical sense, not just brutalizing you, not just depriving you of your rights, but quite literally taking you and your entire families from your houses in the middle of the night by force, shooting you in the head, and dumping your bodies in a mass grave along with all the other "right wingers."

They approve of this as a political act. That's a very important thing to understand. They want this to happen. They're willfully and intentionally voting for this to happen. In private, they wish it happened already.

There will be no weepy documentaries about us, there won't be an international outrcy, there won't be a single tear shed for us. We "voted" on it, don't you know? And that's only fair!

Yet we are "crazy" and "paranoid" to point this out. Justifying our extermination even further.

Come to understand this; confronting the Left on anything, literally anything, with mere words will eventually degrade into them saying things they know to be absurd lies, with a knowing smile, in order to get us upset and make us seem "irrational." Think about that. You see this all the time in your personal lives, I am sure.

This means only one thing; it is passed the time for words. The probability of a war on domestic soil at this point is absolutely certain.

Anonymous said...

More Julius Streicher wannabes. Yippee skippee.


Anonymous said...

Are there any bridges or overpasses in Salt Lake City? they come in handy for hanging crooked politicians and sleazy "Journalists". I have plenty of rope that needs to be used.