Friday, March 8, 2013

That old slippery slope. . .

Feinstein: Veterans Have PTSD, Shouldn’t Own “Assault” Rifles


Ashrak said...

This is kinda like the way Illinois law is set up.
Use your second amendment protected rights? That's cause to strip you of your rights forever.

Diane's angle here will eventually extend to anyone who's ever been depressed about anything from their friend dying or losing their job or been through divorce.

So soldiers also lose their right to speak worship and seek redress of grievances or even assembly then Diane?

There is plenty in heller and McDonald to holler about but the thermonuclear device within that literally destroys amost every antis proposed restriction (and ends the scrutiny debate) is among the shortest sentences on all those pages.

"The Second Amendment is no different."

This can ONLY mean that restrictions upon the first and the second have to be the same. Arguments employed to restrict one have to hold true for the other.

Every time a grabber talks smack they must be reminded of the far reaching consequences of their proposal. Oh so you wanna strip gun rights over xyz huh? Do you the realize that abc will be stripped also then?? Permission slips for guns would mean permission slips for pencils. Magazine limitations equal number of words restrictions. Gun bans equal book bans. Automatic bans equal printing press bans. (Can't fire off news papers too quickly right?).

The "guns are different" argument has been defeated right along with collective right, right to serve I the military, doesn't apply to state and local givernment, only applies to muskets and even the in the home arguments.

I propose the Stop Touting Freedim Usurpation act.

Bee it resolved and accepted that ALL politicians proposing infringing and abridging legislation shall be tarred and feathered and then expelled from officially, tossed out of, every legislative chamber throughout these united States. Effective immediately.

It can officially be referred to and known as -
The STFU act.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does that photo of Feinstein look suspiciously like Piers Morgan in drag?

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

And HOW far back we gonna go? Korea? That makes pretty much 45-50% of all gun owners Auto-Felons don't it? And since it dis-arms the whole family, that gets HOW MANY guns "turned in"(THATS RIGHT they dis-arm the HOUSE HOLD not the INDIVIDUAL.EVERYBODY you ever put down on a form 1040 or Has EVER had a SSN at your home.)This has allways been about Toatal Civilan Dis-Armorment, and nothin else.

Anonymous said...

As was said over at TAH,
"Fuck DiFi, with a cactus."

Go read the post over at TAH, you might learn some new words, phrases and ways to express ones self.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

There ought to be a 25th amendment for Senators, 'cause this b***c is clearly a section 8.

Anonymous said...

Why is anyone surprised that the ruling class want to disarm those members of the citizenry who are most familiar with firearms in combat?

SWIFT said...

The divisions between left and right continue to widen. The opposing views and policies are beyond any peaceful reconciliation and have been for a long time. I, for one, am glad. Enough is enough! We have put up with enough of the commie agenda and their usurpation of power. I am thrilled the commies cannot see the line in the sand. It will be so much easier for them to cross.