Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stewart Rhodes With David Codrea: Drones Not The Only Problem

"Any human being in the world, including any U.S. citizen, can not only be detained, but can be targeted by the military and killed outright if the President thinks they might be a terrorist, whether or not they are armed. Those are military rules of engagement. This is in contrast to the rules of engagement of civilian law enforcement where a police officer has a duty to take a suspect into custody for possible criminal proceedings and can only use lethal force if his life or the life of another is in danger. The officer cannot shoot a suspect on sight just because he is a suspect while a soldier can shoot enemy personnel on sight just because they are enemy personnel."


CowboyDan said...

"Thinks they might be a terrorist?" I think anyone who thinks that's just cause for killing is a terrorist. Will they have drunken parties at the White House with death warrants passed around as party favors, like Hitler did?

This is wrong in so many ways. No matter how much lipstick they put on it, it's still a pig. This stuff has got to end. I love my country; my government scares me more now than it ever has, and it's scared me since before Nixon took office.

God save the Republic! Amen.

SWIFT said...

The stated rules of engagement for LEOs must not apply to Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC, Detroit, Filthadelphia, Oakland, and a shit load of Fed agencies. Shoot firstest, mostest, and lastest for that warm fuzzy feeling.