Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Obama finally manages to create some jobs.

"Gunmakers hiring like crazy."
"Mike Weddle, head of maintenance at Dynamic Research Technologies, an ammunition manufacturer in Albany, Mo., says he is adding 10 new hires to his staff of 35. DRT’s machine operators make between $10 and $17 an hour—a healthy paycheck in a region where it’s tough to find a job and the cost of living is relatively low.
DRT currently cranks out 80,000 bullets per shift and operates two shifts per day. But that’s not enough to meet demand. So Weddle is adding a third manufacturing shift and building an additional facility.
“Demand picked up a year ago—it quadrupled,” he said. “It just went crazy.” He says .223 caliber ammo, which is for semiautomatic rifles, is particularly difficult to keep in stock."


Scott J said...

I would love to do Dynamics AX ERP software for a gun maker but alas our Governor can't seem to be bothered to try to attract one to our area.

I don't want to relocate. I tried that already. I found it not to my liking.

SWIFT said...

Maybe we could send some congrats to Obama, but he is off on vacation and probably wouldn't read 'em.

Anonymous said...

And just think of the medical industry boon if he manages to start a civil war. Not to mention the funeral industry. Maybe he actually has a plan to generate a lot of jobs - who knew ;-)