Sunday, March 3, 2013

"My life as a tyrant."

"If you think our police are no threat to your freedom, you’re living in a fantasy world."


Anonymous said...

So here we have a story about a paid mercenary cop, essentially a Clintonista Hessian, encroaching on the natural rights of business people trying to survive and make enough money to feed their families. If he was so outraged by what "officer Joe" was going to do, then why didn't he just resign and come home?
The truth is, he and the other Amerikan cops were pulling down btw.$90-$100K TAX FREE as "contractors" to be part of Billary's wag-the-dog Kosovo adventure. So now that this fascist pig is back home with his swag safetly invested, he can become a hero to the rest of us serfs and tell us to WATCH OUT FOR THE P0LICE! Someone needs to explain to this "good German" the fundamental principles of Natural Law. If he and his partners in crime refuse to understand that, then rule 7.62 should be applied.

Anonymous said...

That is a man who dose not, and indeed cannot, understand who and what he is. He is a Nazi, he became one the moment he put on the badge. He and others like him can never understand why I say that. For if they did understand they would have to put there gun in there mouth and pull the trigger. In germany the men who ran the death camps were not the german army,they were cops,from every nation in the german empire. When death camps open in america, it won't be FEMA or the army that runs them it will be COPS. Like the men who burned the children alive at Waco,they will "just follow orders" no matter what those orders are. Note that the poor little cop "felt bad" while he "just followed orders" , but he damn shure did it anyway. Just like the men who put the babys in ovens at Treblinka and Waco.

Anonymous said...

"Law Enforcement" is a dream job tailor-made for sociopaths, and those with weak character who only feel complete as part of some self-designated "elite" group. Those with the courage of character to remain uncorrupted by "authority" are few. Succumbing to pettiness and arogance are the norm.
The Ruby Ridge and Waco murders dispelled with the folly that these folks are, in any sense of the word, elite. I'm not sure what aspect of ambushing citizens in their sleep while killing family pets makes one an "elite" individual. Perhaps it has something to do with the number of pushups one is capable of. Or maybe it is no more complicated than an arbitrary choice of self-delusion - the willingness to believe that a neatly ironed uniform adorned with mass-produced metal trinkets or patches makes one a superior human being. If there is another civil war in this country, Hurricane Katrina revealed what the lay of the land will be. The "thin blue line" will crumble, with many simply going AWOL to protect their own asses, with the rest taking advantage of chaos to prey on the weak and ill-prepared.

Bushwack said...

Okay, listen. I don't believe all cops are government agents sent to silence opposition... I do believe however that if the order was given by their superiors they would be obliged to execute the order.

For example: Mr Smith the target of a warrant is armed and dangerous and lives at so and so in the state of whatever.. Once the warrant is issued, it's not the beat cops duty to question the validity of said warrant.

As a patriot you would do well to understand that the power is with the judgeship not the PD or Sheriff dept. You can not discuss the warrant with those who would execute it.

A warrant issued to Mr Smith that just said "Mr Smith is violating state/fed law by possessing a firearm he legally owns" Wouldn't ever be issued nor would MOST cops serve that warrant.

The easiest thing for a person to do is to blame the front line guys for the "Abuse of rights" but the fact is COPS are executing orders and as long as people above them LIE on a warrant request COPS don't have the ability to discuss it anymore than the target does.

Anonymous said...

To Bushwack -

"They were just following orders" was not a valid defense at Nuremburg, nor will it be an accepted excuse for abuse of power on one square inch of American soil.

Bushwack said...


I'm waiting to see or hear of folks being wrongly convicted and sent away after trail under the NDDA or Patriot act... When it was first signed we were concerned that it would open the doors for a police state. While it has in some regards, it hasn't materialized yet.

It is US who is to blame for putting people in power who don't hold liberty in the same regards as we do. THE ENEMY IS US for allowing it to get to this point. The change we seek must be first attempted through the system before we have to fight the system...

Fighting the system now with bullets is premature. While it may come to that eventually, I don't subscribe to the theory that cops will all back the system.. Some of the best preppers ever are cops because of their jobs they see the worst in people. They know what people are capable of. To pick a fight with them because of their occupation now is bordering on insanity.

Be smart folks...

oughtsix said...

"... as long as people above them LIE on a warrant request COPS don't have the ability to discuss it anymore than the target does."

Really? So they've lost the powers of reason and inquiry, along with common morality and the responsibilities of citizenship?

No, by assuming the claimed responsibilities of the job, cops must be held to a higher standard of conduct. They will be held to account for poor choices when they choose tyranny over justice.

Anonymous said...

quote:""... as long as people above them LIE on a warrant request COPS don't have the ability to discuss it anymore than the target does." unquote

Yeah, we saw how that worked out at Waco. Warrant my ass. I thought about that Waco "warrant" the other day and decided to research it. Just as I thought. The "warrant" itself was NEVER discussed in MSM, or Congressional hearings. In fact, it was the least discussed issue of the entire debacle..until:

Unfuckingbelievable. Over and over and over, I see these sterling beacons of tyranny(ATF and Assist. AG's)bend over backwards to assault citizens rights, if not outright murder them. Once you realize, the DoJ is simply the U.S. SS, the sooner you realize where we are headed.
After all, it's Der Erick the "scum" Holder who wrote the "secret memo", that allegedly authorizes Obomination to murder any human being on the planet, any where, any time for any reason he deems. This sub-human cockroach redefines "pond scum", and that "memo" redefines absurd.

ghostsniper said...

Bushwack said:
As a patriot you would do well to understand that the power is with the judgeship not the PD or Sheriff dept."

I hope they attack you.