Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Michael Moore wants dead children exploited to 'revise or repeal' 2nd Amendment

Note that his chastisement of America is based on the fact that we haven't moved to "revise or repeal" the Second Amendment. That is a pretty clear tacit acknowledgment that any new oppression of gun owners that would have any hope of preventing such atrocities as Sandy Hook (and realistically speaking, it takes an enormous amount of unwarranted optimism to believe that any laws, no matter how draconian, would prevent such evil) would defy the Second Amendment. That's the kind of argument that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough claims is "willfully ignorant," and intended to "mislead" Americans about supposed limits on the Second Amendment.


Ashrak said...

Despite his irrational and obtuse opposition to the guns themselves and the differences between law abiding patriots and criminal thugs, Moore demonstrates a clearer understanding if the reality than most politicians and even most media.

Not unlike the Chicago Tribune directly after Heller, yet even before McDonald, the trib called for repeal of the Second Amendment.

Though veiled, both are ADMITTING, with their calls that they have lost the argument- that longstanding gun control policy is indeed dead. Both recognize that their holy grail of tying things up in courts has run its course. It has in fact been beaten by their own rules on their own home turf.

Exposed they are just a teeny bit more as being against our constitution- against inalienable rights.....indeed the enemy within.

Anonymous said...


Next topic Mike?

Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Morre , "have at it" ''! Our constitution permits it s citizens to revise and expand our founding document per established protocols . >Jeff

Anonymous said...

Even if Mikey too-much-Moore was king of the world and was able to repeal the 2A, I STILL wouldn't give up my guns without a fight and a pile of empty brass (see MVB's later posting). Why? Because unlike the libtards who only worship what they see in the mirror, I answer to a Higher Power (call Him what you will) outside myself. I also KNOW (not think or guess) that the 2A is merely a written codification of God's/natural law.
So repeal away, Mikey Mushmouth, repeal
away. Won't change a thing in this household.

B Woodman