Friday, March 1, 2013

Judicial nomination held over for U.S. Attorney in Reese case



Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if Hell exists, but if it does, hopefully the rotten soul of Kenneth J. Gonzales will be there. Anyone who has done what he has just to put another gold star on his resume is at the very least a sociopath, and at worst, simply evil.

reese said...

thank you to everyone who has given to our family and prayed for us.. The political persecution we are now going thru could happen to anyone in the U.S. I pray these evil people are stopped before they are allowed to ruin another business like they did our two or another family like they have tried to do to ours. Thank our Lord we have stayed together and strong.

Anonymous said...

We learned that to eliminate a disease, you have to kill the virus.
In the cause of saving the Constitution and the Republic, the virus politicians and their Marxist controllers must die.
Our New World Order began in the 1790's, under the Laws of our God; and we will restore those laws.