Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's okay to oppress them, they're a declining minority.

Acting as if constitutionally-codified, God-given and natural inalienable rights are a matter of a popularity contest, the New York Times reports "Share of Homes With Guns Shows 4-Decade Decline."
“If there was a national registry that recorded all firearm purchases, we’d have a full picture,” he said. “But there’s not, so we’ve got to put together pieces.”
Yeah, well if there were a national registry you'd have a civil war before you could get your first data, Mr. "social scientist." Doug Rink is skeptical of the whole premise of the story, as he should be.
In any case, whether we are a declining minority or not, our rights are not subject to a popularity contest, despite what the New York Times editorial board and their lapdog "journalists" may think. They may wish, in their heart of hearts, that "It's okay to oppress them, they're a declining minority." That kind of thinking is just going to get some people -- maybe a whole lot of people -- killed over the point. Unfortunately, they think that this is all about conventional propaganda preparation of the political battlefield, with the argument settled by majority vote of the people or the Supreme Court. Yet, when the rules of the political game are rigged for the tyrant, the armed citizen can overturn the table. Even if the game board is the entire earth.


Phelps said...

I've been avoiding talking about this to anyone but close friends, but I think that it is time that the statists and anti-liberty crowd understood the real stakes. This isn't about the number of people killed. It's harsh, but that fades into history.

When the conflict they are provoking is done, one thing will be dead, and likely gone forever -- universal suffrage. The idea that every person gets a vote merely by being born will be over. If they are willing to risk that (and I think it will be a sad day when it's gone) then they can keep it up. It took us a long time and a lot of shed blood to get to this point, and they are about to piss that principle away.

Anonymous said...

This shows the tyranny of democracy, where the 51% can dictate to the 49%, which is what too many "low information voters" (including the NYT editorial writers) believe this country is ruled under.

And for all those who believe the statist drivel the NYT editorials print, I want to count the number of brain cells you have to rub together.
One. . . . . one. . . . . . one. . .. . .

B Woodman

David Forward said...

I wouldn't count on these surveys or assessments to be very accurate. I know a few people myself who have mentioned that they were asked in a survey about their gun ownership. They all responded to the negative as they felt it was no one else's business...of course many of these stories were related to my on the range between sets....

SWIFT said...

The General Social Survey was obviously headed by Michael Bellesiles. When they hit 35% of households for the 2000's, they lost all credibility. I heard this same tripe last year, but different author.

TimeHasCome said...

If All the firearms were laid end to end purchased under the "Dear One" (67million)
they would circle the globe twice . Ammo inflation is running about 150% per year and only has one way to go. Conceal carry permits have skyrocketed . You can't buy ammo in any of my Walmarts. In a down economy firearms are flying off the shelves . You bet I believe we are shrinking minority.

William V Wood said...

The media types believe that all the bad stuff is gonna happen in fly over country and they will be perfectly safe in their high rise apts. A few thousand blood thirsty inner city types should provide quit a education for these self righteous maroooons.

Anonymous said...

Gallup has been doing surveys for decades on gun ownership, and they show that gun ownership is on the rise and is at 43% compared to around 34% in 2000.

But the problem with any of these is that they are surveys, and surveys are essentially worthless on an issue like this.

We can look at FBI instant checks, and those have skyrocketed.

Paul X said...

Gun ownership is clearly getting more popular lately. Don't believe Ministry of Propaganda lies. They are trying their best to ignore reality, which is a poor survival tactic as far as I can tell.