Friday, March 1, 2013

Holder answer on contempt charge shows disrespect for more than Congress

Since this is essentially the same position taken by Chairman Issa and the members of Congress, including 17 Democrats, who voted to hold the Attorney General in contempt, it would appear Holder’s disrespect must, as a simple matter of logical consistency, extend to the murdered agent’s parents as well, and to every American seeking the truth about Fast and Furious.
LATER: Hypocrisy on ‘paperwork prosecutions’ highlighted by Reese case


Anonymous said...

quote:"Since this is essentially the same position taken by Chairman Issa and the members of Congress, including 17 Democrats, who voted to hold the Attorney General in contempt, it would appear Holder’s disrespect must, as a simple matter of logical consistency, extend to the murdered agent’s parents as well, and to every American seeking the truth about Fast and Furious." unquote

I'll note that as a fucking DUH!
That observation has been blindingly obvious for what..three years now? In fact, this isn't disrespect..he flaunts his CONTEMPT for rule of law, citizens, gun owners, Congress, and anyone else who dares question his dictates and office. However, there is something MUCH larger at stake here.
In the big picture, this pig sucking psychopath has declared the Constitution guarantee's "due process"..but that doesn't necessarily interpret as..get this.."judicial process". This is part of what's known as “supranational sovereignty”, which allows EMPIRE's to "make up law" as they go, even if it conflicts with International laws , as there is no state or nation powerful enough to do anything about it. Hence, the United States Government can now murder with impunity. Here is the truth:

However, the special rapporteur on human rights has launched an investigation into the legality and "collateral murder" of innocent human beings vaporized by drone strikes by the USG. Whether or not anything could actually be done, the least is branding the USG as War Criminals, which we all know is absolutely the truth. Eric Holder notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

ps. Dear AG Holder...

Eat me.